In 2011 when I was applying for colleges, the common app had prompted me
to describe a fictional or historical figure that had a profound
influence on me. Nearly six years ago, the person who made the most
sense to write about was Gerard Way. I thought looking reading it
now, in 2017, would make me cringe and want to delete all evidence of its existence.
Instead, it revived a different inspiration and adrenaline I had
then, and I recalled that this essay got me into all of my choice
schools that I applied to.
My words in regards to the artist withstood the test of time, and he still is one of my top inspirations for creating art and for being a human-being. Middle school and high school interests tend to fade away to be just another faze. I almost feel relieved that my admiration for the man was not lost. After all, he did have a profound influence on me during my fragile teenage years and helped to shape my thoughts and beliefs as I grew up. He is a brave man who used his platform to touch millions with his vision and proof that he made it, so we will too. Truthfully, he is a gem in this world who spreads positivity through all that he does. Here are just five lessons we can learn from Gerard Way:
1. Live Bravely
We are challenged, sometimes not just by situations life presents us with, but also by our chemical makeup. Our mental and physical health affect how we are perceiving the world. It's not easy by any means, but that's why we need to be brave and put our best foot forward. Moving forward is a decision, and one that is worth it every time. In high school, Gerard was an outcast and a budding alcoholic. One day he promised himself he would get better – and he did. Always remember that your potential is limitless.
2. Follow Your Passions
The sky is the limit. Don't pick your major or your job just because it's how you'll make money, or continue to do something while dreading every minute of it. Keep working for it every day, and one day you'll wake up where you want to be, excited for the day ahead of you.
3. Reinvention
Do you think “Umbrella Academy” was the first comic he ever
wrote? Or that there aren't countless songs that haven't been heard?
A gift we have as human beings is the art of reinvention. If we
aren't satisfied with who we are, or what we created, we have the
opportunity to improve. It's a journey, and we're all growing as
4. It's Okay To Move On
Life isn't planned, nor does it go at a pace where we can always keep up with. In 2013, My Chemical Romance shook up the world when they announced the break-up. Naturally, their fans were mortified – we needed them. However, they expressed that it was just the right time, which I believe as well, not then, but now. It's okay to move on. We will heal. The song “Helena” provided an outlet for the band and surely many who listened to it. With time we learn from all of our experiences. It will get better.
5. Be Yourself
This is quite possibly the most important lesson of all. We are social creatures and are influenced by each other. Don't focus on what's cool or what other people will think of you --It's toxic. Just be you at all times. Growing up I avoided standing out and aspired to be like my peers. I learned from Gerard's that blending in with the crowd is a terrible nightmare. The greatest gift we can give each other is our individuality.
"Killjoys, make some noise."