I've never played, and I never will. However, football has been a part of my life for a very long time. I'm sure some of you reading this haven't played either, but maybe can apply this to another sport.
Football is a beautiful thing and can teach many life lessons. I'm sure you learn even more by playing the sport, but by observing I can say I've learned a lot. I managed for football three years in high school, one year in college, and now I take photos for the University of New Hampshire team. On weekends I go home and see my dad's new team play in their high school games. This weekend was one of those weekends. I saw his team play and lose in their semi-final game. While watching I realized how much football can mean to us as individuals. I believe football helps you grow, so here are five life lessons football can teach you.
1. Football will teach you not to get too cocky before the games over. We've all done it, let's be honest. We have all at some point acted like we've been the absolute best at something and no one could stop us and were being downright cocky. I've learned from football never to get too cocky before the games over. Before you know it, the other team could get a touchdown and then you're losing. Before we know it, someone knocks us down a peg, and we're not the best anymore, are we? Nope. I think it's important to know this because even though we could be doing great, it doesn't mean to let up or stop trying. Nothing is over until the buzzer rings. There's no time to get lazy, and we always have to fight until the end.
2. Going off of this, football has taught me how to act with poise. When someone starts taking personal blows at someone, you have to keep calm. Coaches teach their players how to be respectful and not retaliate. Coaches teach boys how to be men, and to act calmly when a situation like that arises. They teach them to be respectful of referees, take care of their men, and act in a respectful manner when being the visiting team or the home team. They welcome the other team to their home turf, or if they've been defeated, they act with grace when shaking the other team's hand. Whether you just won the biggest game, or just lost, football and coaches teach you to still be a team and keep your head up.
3. Football teaches you how to lose. Losing isn't fun, but I think a loss is something we all have to go through. Loss teaches you to appreciate the moments you win. Loss teaches you how to accept, deal with it, and become better. Loss calls for one to deal with what's happening and not ignore it. I've cried on sidelines losing, I've seen my dad, the coach cry, I've seen parents cry, and the worst, I've seen players cry. Even today when I saw a high school boy pour, his head between his legs and just weep, it was heartbreaking. It broke my heart to watch this kid throw his body down and look like his world had crashed. In the moment it had. It's touching to see these boys give each other long hugs and console each other like never before. They truly lose something when they lose, but they gain something. They gain compassion for one another, they learn how to be open and show a little tenderness, and to be there, and to just cry. I think crying is important, even though it sucks. Being on a team that's touched the cusp of a championship and watching dreams be crushed is truly a ghostly experience, but we learn from it. Lose, fail, accept, fix it, and try again.
4. Football teaches you how to win and appreciate it. After that loss you may or may not have gone through already, this it is. This is the big win. A team failed, then later they succeed. They took what happened to them before and without that moment, finally winning the championship wouldn't be as sweet. I was on the team still when our school won its first football championship in our high school's history. It was absolutely amazing. We made history, and my dad got to help coach the team to get there. Winning in that moment made all the tears and long days worth it. When we won, it was amazing. Since then I haven't been on a team that has made it that far. However watching my dad lose today and be practically numb, it made me sad. I wanted him to remember that even though they lost, he's made it before. He's helped coach a team to two championships. He helped coach this team to a semi-final, and I wanted him to remember that this loss didn't mean he failed or is a failed coach, he tried, and now it's time to start preparing for next year. I think when you win you should appreciate that you got it once, and that doesn't mean you are bad if you fail it after. I think this is a lesson everyone can use. Whether it be a test, a breakup, a race, or a game. You won before, just because you lost, don't forget how awesome you are, and how much you've conquered. Win, and appreciate it.
5. Football teaches you teamwork. This is the obvious one, yes, you're on a team. It's more than a team, though. This team is your family. All of you want the same thing, and if you don't work together you're not going to get there. I've found learning how to work with others whether it be in class, on internships, organizations, or volunteer opportunities, is all thanks to football. Football teaches you social skills on how to ask for help from coaches, teammates, athletic trainers, or managers. I learned to work with other teams, referees and with many many football players. We all have something to contribute and we are all going to help each other. In the game of football, everyone has to have each other's back, otherwise, it's going to fall apart. We are a family, we care for each other and we protect. All in. Football teaches that we all need each other once in a while, and to work together.
So those are five life lessons I've learned from football. I wouldn't be who I am without football, and I hope it's something I never have to give up. Football is an important sport, and whether it's not yours, or you've never played like me, I think we can all take something away from the sport we play... but in my opinion, no other sport will ever be as great as the game of football.