If you're a fan of Grey's Anatomy (as you should be), you should know there have been rumors flying around that Sandra Oh would be returning for the latest season! Well, as much as I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Sandra Oh just confirmed that she, in face, has no plans on returning to Grey's any time soon.I know. My heart is broken too. Cristina Yang is my favorite character on a TV show ever, my raging feminist heart is absolutely in love with her but we all know the last thing Yang would want is for us to sit and sulk over her! So here are the 5 most valuable lessons I learned from the amazing Cristina Yang.
1. Always be a loyal best friend.
Through everything Yang and Grey have been through, they stayed Twisted Sisters through it all. Through plane crashes, gunmans and bombs. Through every argument and through moving literally across the world, they were best friends. Always. Be that best friend. Once you find your person, stick by their side until the very end of it all.
2. Be on your own and rock it.
When you want something, stop at nothing to get it. Don't worry about what anyone says or thinks about you because you have to do everything alone. Being alone isn't necessarily a bad thing. Only you can achieve your goals.
3. No one is going to stay if they don't want to and sometimes you have to be okay with that.
You can't speak for anyone, you can't stop anyone from coming or going. Be secure enough in yourself to learn to be okay with that.
4. You are worth more than your physical beauty.
Yang knows she's beautiful but that isn't a concern to her. Just like Yang, know your beauty but also know your brilliance and don't let anyone try to undermine that.
5. And of course, you are the sun.
"You are a gifted surgeon with an extraordinary mind. Don’t let what he wants eclipse what you need. He’s very dreamy, but he’s not the sun. You are."
We all expected this one but honestly, the most important thing I learned from Cristina Yang is to not undermine myself and to not let anyone come before me. I always watch this scene when I feel low and heartbroken and it by itself reminds me that I am the sun. I am more important than anyone else who has hurt me and I need to let go of the people who put me and my needs aside.