We all have those days or even weeks where things don't seem to go our way. Although those times really do suck, you will get through it. Whether it's struggles in school, friendships, or relationships, sometimes we forget to take a second to breathe and think things through. While some situations can be very consuming, there are certain realizations that I have had to help me move forward.
1. When you decide to stop caring about someone who doesn't care about you.
Nothing is more emotionally draining than trying time and time again to keep something going with someone who isn't willing to lift a finger for you. No matter if it is a friend or a significant other, it's not fair when you're the only one putting in the time and energy. While it sucks to have to let someone you care about go, sometimes it's for the best to stop waiting around. I've learned over the years that you cannot make someone care more than they do, so when in these situations, sometimes you just have to let go and do your own thing. They might even miss you when you're gone...
2. When you realize you are fully capable of succeeding if you put forth the work.
Stop waiting around for things to happen. No one is going to get that 4.0 for you, except you. Sometimes during stressful periods of life, it's easy to quit and feel sorry for yourself. We're all guilty of that. However, one of the most amazing feelings is deciding that you are totally capable of being great. Finding discipline at first can be tricky, but feeling like you're succeeding in either school or work, can be one of the most rewarding feelings that no one can take away.
3. When you accept a situation for what it is and just move on.
As Hannah Montanna once said, "Everybody has those days, everybody makes mistakes!" and that couldn't be more true. While it sounds cheesy, realizing that you do make mistakes and that you are human, is another liberating feeling. If someone isn't willing to forgive you or admit they were in the wrong, they aren't worth your time anymore. One of the hardest things in life is when you feel like you don't have any control over a situation. The only thing you can control though is your life and what you choose to do with it. Life's too short and the world has too many amazing people to spend too much time trying to fix something that doesn't want to be fixed.
4. When you realize it's okay to put yourself first sometimes.
Throughout my life, I've naturally tended to put others and their well-being before my own. This has honestly hurt me at times because I expect people to do the same, but some people aren't like that, and that's okay. While no one really wants to be around someone who is only thinking of themselves, it is important to know that it is okay to sometimes put your well-being at the top of your priority list.
5. When you realize that it’s okay, to not always be okay.
I'll emphasize this again; we are all human! And life isn't perfect. It's not supposed to be rainbows and butterflies all the time. No one likes being upset obviously, but taking a crappy time for what it is and just taking some time to be sad or upset or even angry, is okay. You're allowedto feel these things and admit you aren't okay. You learn to appreciate the sun after a storm, you know? Happiness wouldn't be a thing if it's all we ever felt.