People often say that they learn the greatest life lessons through hardships. During those times are when people are tested, the ones who are facing the problems and the ones who promised they would help them out. The lessons learned during those times are what make you a smarter and cautious person in the future. Knowing what you have learned, one can learn how to tackle the problems or hardships they might face again. I have learned quite a few things when I was confronted with problems of my own and learned some things the hard way. I asked myself “why is this happening to me?” or “why do bad things happen to me?” as I sat thinking about how I got tangled in these problems.
1.The more you let toxic and problematic people stay in
your life, negativity will always follow you.
2.You can only rely on yourself at the end of the day.
3.Don’t ever be afraid to say no to things you are uncomfortable with.
4.Change yourself and your outlook on life.
5.How strong you actually are.
These fives things taught me that no matter what I am the person I can really count on to get things done. If I had continued to just pity myself and cry, I would not be where I am today. It is obvious that no one wants to struggle but everyone has to in order to make it in our world. During those hard times is when we actually grow and become stronger individuals.