The competitive dance world has had such a huge effect on my life. It has been a part of my life for years and I can’t imagine my life without it. It has taught me many life lessons that I will carry with me throughout life.
1. There will always be someone better
The competitive dance world is a bittersweet place full of critiques and let downs. Ever since I began competing at age 8, comparison was all around me. Whether it was based on another girl’s costume or how high her leg went when she kicked, it was hard not to be jealous or give up right then and there. However, competitions taught me to learn from the girls I was competing against and accept the fact that I may not be the best dancer on that certain day. Competitions are a great way to learn from better and stronger dancers.
2. I am more than a score
I can’t tell you how many times I have left a competition either confused or upset. Whether it was my score or someone else’s score, nothing will always go how you have planned it to in your head. It can be both devastating and disappointing. However, competition dance taught me that I am so much more than a score that three people give me on that day. Another day could have had completely different results. I am so thankful to have learned to not base my worth on that score, but to learn from it and continue to improve.
3. Friendly competition
Competitions can bring out both the best and worst in people. Although competing against some of my best friends was hard at times, getting to support them all and knowing they all support me made competition so much more enjoyable. Having friendly competition with some of your best friends can help you to improve even more than a random girl you’ve never spoken to before and has taught me lifelong skills that I can use in my future.
4. How to win humbly and lose graciously
Losing never gets easier. But at the same time, the feeling I get when I win, whether it’s for a solo or a group, is priceless. It feels awesome knowing all of the hard work has paid off. Part of competing means someone's going to win and someone isn't, and it’s something that can be hard to learn. However, a huge part of being a dancer is being a role model for younger dancers. With that comes having a good attitude no matter the outcome of the competition. I am so happy I have had the opportunity to compete because it taught me how to always have a good attitude whether I am winning or not.
5. Perseverance and dedication
The last and most important thing I have learned from dance is perseverance and dedication. Being a competitive dancer requires so much commitment both to yourself and your team. Dance requires hours and hours of training and rehearsal in and out of the studio which requires a lot of dedication and perseverance knowing that it will all pay off. I also learned dedication from my wonderful dance teachers. Without them, I never would have even learned what true dedication meant. They gave me all of their time and energy and were completely dedicated to helping me become the best dancer I can be. Lastly, I learned perseverance. In dance, improvements happen very gradual. However, I learned that if I persevere, I can become the best dancer I possibly can and I know that will carry over into my future.
Although my time competing in dance is officially over and ended this past July, I know there will be parts of it that will never leave me. I miss it dearly, but who knows, maybe in a couple of years I’ll be back as a judge or choreographer! I am so thankful for the memories and lessons I learned participating in competitive dance and I can’t wait to use all these skills in my future whether that’s as a dancer or not as a dancer.