In college, there is almost a 100% chance that you will have a roommate throughout the entire four years. This is because the rent is cheap. Be honest, who doesn't want to save a couple of extra hundred dollars a month. However, it also comes with many lessons. Living with roommates is nothing close to living with your parents and siblings.
1. Decorating is a bother
When it comes to decorating the apartment, it is first come, first serve. There is no discussion on whether a picture of a dog should go over the couch or a painting of a flower. There is no input, even if you hate it. You can't say anything because it is their apartment too, but you learn how to smile and nod every time you pass the ugly shelves on the wall.
2. Odd man out
If there is an odd number of roommates, there is a guarantee that there will be one person who is excluded. This includes weekend plans and house hold decisions, such as the rules about cleaning dishes. Now, remember: they are not trying to be mean or rude, it is just simple math; the most wins the vote.
3. Do the dishes, Cinderelly, clean the bathroom, Cinderelly
Another name for the odd man out is "Cinderella." There will be the one person who ends up putting all the dishes away all the time, or takes out the overloaded trash while the others walk by with out offering to help. This is another thing that just needs to be done, unless you want to live in a messy apartment.
4. There is no such thing as sharing
When you lived with your family, everything was shared: food, cleaning supplies, and simple house hold items like tape. However, that changes when you get roommates. Everyone needs to get their own things and ask if they want to borrow something. It is considerate and polite. It's quite the adjustment because you go from a household where anything is yours, to a new place where you want to make sure you know what pancake batter is yours.
5. Always be prepared for house guests
Roommates will want to bring people over for dinner, game nights, or even for a sleep over. People are always welcomed. However, these guests may show up without your knowledge. Understand, that everyone is welcomed, but there is a very small chance that you will be informed. Be considerate of the guests and roommates, and be flexible because your plans may have to be rearranged if you want to make sure you are a good hostess.
Having roommates is an adjustment. You will learn about patience, how to understand people, and gaining perspective when dealing with situations that you can't control. However, it is best to know how to have a meaningful conversation rather than an argument about who will take out the trash.