5 Key Ways To Survive Gasparilla | The Odyssey Online
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5 Key Ways To Survive Gasparilla

5 Key Ways To Survive Gasparilla

As Gasparilla Pirate Fest 2016 approaches, the red and black outfits begin to fly off the shelves as fast as the Captain does. It's Tampa Bay's biggest and best event of the year, but it can also be a tough one to survive if you don't remember these essential things about the Pirate Fest:

1. Don't miss the invasion.

It's cool, it's exciting, and most of all, it kicks off the day. Sure, maybe a day of drinking isn't something you normally set your alarm for, but it's not every day that you get to see a pirate ship, especially one that is filled to the brim with avid party-goers, and trust me, it's not worth missing. Plus, right next to the bay is a very pretty location, especially in the morning hours before the sun really gets too miserable.

2. Pace thy self.

Gasparilla goes all day and all night, and if you're a huge fan, you can even go to the "Pre-Invasion" the day before. Starting the day with some simple mimosas and avoiding the hard liquor will keep you going throughout the day so you can really party like a pirate. Plus, it's good to try and stay aware of your surroundings; there are floats, cars, and, of course, the bay right next to the party that can make this parade a bit hazardous for the completely intoxicated. On a side-note, look up the rules of bringing your own cooler, because the prices for drinks can add up fast.

3. Dress Up

You can go to a normal party in normal clothes any day, but this is the day to bring out your inner pirate. Go all out, get cute Insta photos and really enjoy the new role of pirate life that you get to take on for the day, because that just gives you all the excuses in the world to have an even better time. You're more likely to stick out like a sore thumb if you aren't dressed up on this day, so break out the eye patches and shoulder parrots, and you'll see your inner pirate come out soon enough.

4. Remember the sun

Although the day may start out chilly, the sun will usually shine. It is the sunshine state. Sunglasses are your best friend on this day, and a little sunscreen couldn't hurt either. Also, keep in mind drinking in the sunlight can bring on the effects faster and harder, and before you know it, you're getting arrested for trying to jump onto a float.

5. Enjoy the celebration

This is one of the most fun-filled ways to kick off the new year! So enjoy it and celebrate the way a true pirate would! The event gets bigger and better every year, so don't miss it. Trust me, there are not more fun things you could be doing on this day than Gasparilla Pirate Fest, plus beads!!

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