5 KC Summertime Activities On A Budget | The Odyssey Online
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5 KC Summertime Activities On A Budget

If You're Looking For Cheap Entertainment, You're In Luck

5 KC Summertime Activities On A Budget
Global Risk Insights

No doubt, summer is great, but three months at home can seem like a little much at times. Whether you're from the city or a smaller suburb, cabin fever sets in and can leave you feeling bored for weeks. Summer is especially hard for those of us on a budget. Sometimes it seems like everything entertaining is outrageously expensive. But have no fear, I've done some research. I present to you five extraordinary KC summertime activities for those of us on a budget.

1. Royals Games

Spend a night watching your world champion Kansas City Royals in the best stadium in the MLB. Believe it or not, you CAN see the boys in blue, even on a budget. Hy-Vee View seats typically cost between 10 and 20 dollars. To make it even better, every Thursday home game is also "Buck Night," which means peanuts and hot dogs only cost one dollar. The Royals also have student nights for all Wednesday home games, where tickets are just 10 dollars. Not to mention, this sweet deal comes with a food and beverage special at Kauffman's Boulevard Grill.

2. The Kansas City Zoo

Admission to Kansas City's 202-acre zoo is only $14.50 for adults ages 12 and older. This summer, the zoo has welcomed two koalas who will be in town until November. The zoo also has polar bears, penguins, tigers, and plenty of other beautiful creatures. If the Kansas City Zoo is a little too far out of the way, try visiting Overland Park's Deanna Rose Farmstead. Although this petting zoo is much smaller, it still allows visitors a chance to see and interact with lots of interesting animals. Deanna Rose offers free admission Monday-Thursday.

3. No Other Pub

If you're not wanting to spend the money for a Sporting KC ticket but still love the game, No Other Pub is the place for you. No Other Pub by Sporting KC is a one-of-a-kind sports bar, gaming parlor, and social lounge in downtown Kansas City’s Power & Light District. The self-proclaimed "new hub for watch parties" includes a 10x15 video wall for watching games, a taco stand, a chef-inspired menu, and a gaming parlor which includes bowling, billiards, arcade games and many more entertaining options. No Other Pub is also extremely millennial-friendly with free WiFi and smartphone charging stations. If you're eating on a budget, check out No Other Pub's specials here.

4. Miller Lite Hot Country Nights and Coors Light Block Party

While you're down in the Power and Light District, make sure to check out Miller Lite Hot Country Nights. These concerts are FREE, however, if you are under 21, you must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. This year's country music guests include stars such as Randy Houser, Billy Currington, and the Eli Young Band.

If country music isn't exactly your thing, Coors Light Block Party presented by 96.5 The Buzz may have a show for you. Bands such as The Lumineers and The Wombats are scheduled to perform, with tickets priced at $9.65 in advance or $15 at the door.

5. Nelson Atkins Museum of Art

Kansas City's famous Nelson Atkins Museum of Art offers free admission daily, and $6 ticketed exhibitions for students with an ID. With an incredible display of art from numerous backgrounds and cultures, the Nelson Atkins has something for everyone. Like what you see? Nelson Atkins has events such as Third Thursdays, aimed specifically at the millennial crowd, and even art classes for adults ages 16 and older.

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