5 Things JMU Dukes Have To Look Forward To When We Get Back | The Odyssey Online
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5 Things JMU Dukes Have To Look Forward To When We Get Back

And why August can't come fast enough.

5 Things JMU Dukes Have To Look Forward To When We Get Back
James Madison University

It's getting to that time of the summer again, where everyone wants to be back at the greatest place on earth, sitting on the Quad and basking in the sunlight. With jobs taking up our schedules and seeing friends from home being a part of our routines, being back in Harrisonburg seems just around the corner. And it's safe to say that I simply cannot wait. But what are the things drawing us back there? Let's fast forward to August, and get excited about what we have to look forward to...

1. Frog Week

1787 Orientation is the highlight of Freshman year for many of us. Whether it's group games on the football field at night or late night breakfast at the new D Hub, it's safe to say that this year's Frog Week will be just as good as the years past. But it isn't just the incoming freshmen that get to enjoy this week before classes, it's the sophomores, juniors and seniors who drive up to move into their dorms or apartments early, ready to make the last week of summer their most memorable yet.

2. The food

Of course our mom's cooking has been keeping us happy for the past few months, but it's hard to find something that compares to the sweet delicacy of E Hall, the mouthwatering tastes of Festival or the numerous choices of Top Dog and Dukes. Despite D Hall being a prominent miss this year, hopes are high for the newly opened D Hub.

3. The views

Few things compare to the views seen at James Madison University. Whether you're on East Campus watching the sunset or hiking Reddish Knob in the early hours on the morning, this place offers views that are sure to take your breathe away.

4. The football games

Football games at JMU are some student's favorite memories of attending school here. It may be the tailgates beforehand or the second the streamers fly in the stadium, but either way, you cant deny the energy brought onto campus when there's a game that day. And who can forget the explosion of JMU pride when College Game Day came into Harrisonburg?


With the new UREC open for business last semester, student flocked there in the hopes of getting to try out the new classes, fitness equipment and hot tub and sauna area. Now that we're returning for the Fall, it's exciting to know that UREC will still be there waiting to help us get back into shape.

In just over a month, we get to experience all of these things that JMU has to offer, and I couldn't be more excited. It's another year as a Duke, and there's so much to look forward to.

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