Before entering freshman year at college, we all have one big feat to tackle: packing. Now, if you are anything like me, you have researched religiously what to bring and what to not bring. Despite all of that, here are a few items I did not actually need that I decided to bring.
1. A Twelve-Cup Coffee Pot
So, I love coffee. Probably too much, but I definitely did NOT need a whole 12 cup pot. The thing is most days you are probably just making coffee for yourself or maybe your roommate, so unless you have more than one roommate, save yourself the space and the hassle and just buy a 5 cup pot.
2. Stationary
Okay, so I may have been overly excited about getting a new mailing address and I kind of expected letters upon letters, so I prepared with adorable stationary. (I also really love stationary, so this was an excuse to buy more). However, the anticipation was sadly an overreaction because I did not need any of it.
3. Bathroom Cleaning Supplies
Side-note, I really like to clean. It relieves a lot of stress, so I brought bathroom cleaning supplies. Turns out when you are living in a typical underclassmen dorm, they hire people to clean the bathrooms. So not necessary.
4. Impractical Shoes
I love shoes and they are very clearly my shopping weakness, so while I was packing I made the decison that there was a chance I could wear the silver sparkly heels that I wore once to prom. (Trust me when I say that there were a thousand other thoughts like this.) The truth is that you won't wear those shoes, so if there is any doubt, do not bring them. You won't have enough space anyway.
5. Extra Books (at least not all of them...)
Reading is one of my favorite pastimes and I thought for sure I was going to have time to read for fun at school. Being a good student, I read everything for every class that I was supposed to, and between my assignments, friends, and extra curricular activities, I maybe only read one book for amusement the entire school year. I am definitely not telling to leave them all at home, but just limit it! Besides, you have an entire library at your disposal on campus!