Instagram can be a lot of different things to different people. For some, it's a place to laugh at memes and post group bonfire photos. For others, it's a platform to make all their exes jealous. For me, I just like following people who travel frequently, work in fields I'd like to work in, and maybe share the occasional meme with friends.
It's an app that's come a long way in the past few years and it's assumed that most people have an Instagram account at this point. I love Instagram for it's "pretty" factor. For its ability to take our everyday lives and make them appear polished and extraordinary. While this can have a negative side too, it's something I've always enjoyed.
So, here are 5 Instagram accounts that are sure to have you booking your next plane ticket:
1. Polabur
Her Instagram leaves you feeling like you fell into Alice In Wonderland if Alice had had a passport.
2. emelinaah
From India to Bali to Greece, this chick will have you booking your next island getaway and stat.
3. parisinfourmonths
If you dream about Paris, fashion, and cappuccinos, this is the Insta for you. Plus, her Instagram stories are just as pretty as her posts.
4. mvb
Her feed will have you lost in a California state of mind to jet setting across Europe. Her effortless style doesn't hurt either.
5. srhmikaela
A Danish babe who now lives in London, but seems to be on the move across the continent quite frequently.
These are just a few of the many accounts that will have you saying "hasta la vista" to your home base for a little while, even if it's only through photos. Happy Instagraming.