Alfred Adler, an Austrian psychotherapist, once said, "To be human means to feel inferior." He believed that many emotions, actions, and anxieties were fueled by feelings of inferiority and human competition. Though he died in 1937, his theory still remains credible.
The world is a competitive place now, as everyone wants to be seen as the best in whatever it is that they do. It is a destructive place, where people are hurtful and tear each other down. Even the people who say they love you will make you feel like you're not enough, but this is where self-love comes in.
Love yourself enough to know how much of an asset you truly are to this world. There will always be bad days when you love yourself a little less, but when those days come, remember these five things.
1. YOU are the only one you have to make proud.
Yes, of course outside encouragement is a great motivator; but, when that is lacking, seek intrinsic motivation. As long as you know you are doing your very best, you should be proud of yourself regardless of what people say or don't say to you.
2. Other people have bad days, too.
You can't expect the people who love you to come to your rescue on every bad day, as they are also dealing with their own issues and feelings of inferiority. You cannot rely on somebody to pick up your pieces, as they may be preoccupied picking up their own. While many people are proud of you without explicitly stating it, you must always be ready to embrace yourself, wrap yourself in self-love, and pick up your own pieces. Independence is a truly beautiful thing sometimes.
3. Things do not always go as planned.
Be flexible! Truly believe that everything happens for a reason, and go with the flow as much as possible. If you are stuck in your ways with no room for improvement, you'll live an angry life with no room for self-love.
4. You make a difference in somebody's life.
Whether it be your mother or your significant other, you are an important factor in at least one person's life. Remember this when you feel useless or like your life has no true meaning. You were put on this earth for a reason, so just because you are unsure of that reason right now does not mean that it doesn't exist. In the times you're finding it extremely difficult to love yourself, remember other people love you. Look to see what they see in you and you'll start appreciating yourself a little more.
You are your own worst critic, so you will feel like everything you do could have been done better, but turn that frown upside down and rejoice in your success. Truly, in the words of Hannah Montana, "Nobody's perfect, you live and you learn it..." Stop judging yourself, and especially stop projecting those feelings on to other people. When you stop loving yourself and start feeling inferior, you start to believe everyone else views you as inferior, too. It is a slippery slope that results in an emotional roller coaster. It could all be solved with a little self-love and appreciation, even on the worst of days.