Throughout my entire life, I have had the privilege of meeting some amazing people. Some were temporary and fulfilled their season and purpose within my life, some I only met once, and some are meant to be in my life for the rest of time. Every day I am so thankful for the absolutely wonderful and beautiful people I have in my life.Regardless of the length of the relationship or how it ended, I am so extremely thankful for the opportunity of learning and growing through each of them.
During the temporary relationships, (which are no less important than others), I have somehow been fortunate enough to maintain a solid group of friends who were there for me through the ugly, bad, good, and great. I have learned so much from the love and support that my friends have given me over the years, so here are the 5 most important things my permanent best friends have taught me.
1. I need friends
I never had brothers or sisters growing up; being an only child and staying to myself was the only thing I knew. I had an individualistic attitude in thinking that I was okay on my own, which I am, but only to a certain extent. It was only until I met my best of friends that really proved to me how badly I need them all.
Life is not meant to be spent alone; all humans need a healthy bond to make them feel comforted, needed, and wanted. I have developed a huge capacity to love deeply and share my compassion and I am so thankful that I have my friends to share my love and compassion with.
2. You can have more than one soul mate
The term "soul mates" is often interpreted as a romantic connection. However, the affection and appreciation they have shown me is unmatched and has taught me that true love and soul mates do exist in more than one person. The connection and bond that I have created with my very best friends is way too comfortable and natural for us not to be soulmates! They have shown me what it's like to have and to be an amazing friend.
3. Unconditional love and support does exist
We may not talk every day, I may not be aware of the latest boy drama, and sometimes I don't know when I will see them next. But the years of cultivating our relationship has us way too indebted to ever forget about each other. I never asked to be involved in their life or have them check for me or send me funny tweets, they just do it on their own because they care about me and our friendship no matter the distance, the school work, the jobs, or the sports. And that is something I will always be thankful for.
4. Family does not have to be blood-related
My friends have somehow all fulfilled the role of a sister or a brother; the bond I never thought I would have. Nowadays when discussing family during awkward icebreakers at random school events and meetings, I always end up talking about my friends some way somehow. I can't help it; they're the brothers and sisters I've never had so, of course, I'll claim them as such.
5. Be a friend to everybody
So many people are not as fortunate as I am when it comes to having friends as a backbone in my life. My friends have taught me to be a friend to everybody; you never truly know who is going through something that requires a friend, an ear for listening, or a shoulder to cry on. Be the love and support you want to receive, we can all break so many barriers by doing this.
Never mistreat the people who are there for you no matter what the circumstance is. I encourage everyone to tell their family and friends that you love them and that you are there for them with whatever they may need. Love and compassion are what makes this world brighter and brighter each and every day.