Sometimes Disney movies have a reputation for giving little girls "unrealistic expectations about love." While that may or may not be true, I believe that there are important lessons about love to be found in these movies and their main characters stories.
1. "Love is putting someone else's needs before your own."
In the movie "Frozen," Princess Anna chooses to save her sister Elsa over saving her self from the evil prince Hans. This showed me that love means sometimes you put that person's needs before your own. It's important to fight for the people you love even when it's not always the most convenient or comfortable thing to do. Vice versa a person that loves you should be also willing to do the same for you.
2. "Ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten."
Lilo and Stitch taught us the meaning of having a family and true importance of unconditional support and love. But family doesn't necessarily mean blood. Your ohana is a group of people you love and support no matter what happens, through good times and bad.
3. "If there ever comes a day where we can't be together, then keep me in your heart. I'll stay there forever."
I have friends and family all over the place. I've moved away and gone on many adventures in my 23 years of life. Unfortunately, that means I can't always be with all the people I've grown to love all the time. But I always remember this quote from Winnie The Pooh when I'm feeling blue about leaving loved ones behind. The people in my life always have a special place in my heart no matter where I am.
4. "My dream wouldn't be complete without you in it."
When I look back at the times I've achieved things I have dreamed of, I know that I probably could have never achieved them without the support of people in my life. This "Princess and The Frog" quote shows the importance of support when you are following and achieving dreams. I also think it shows the importance of being with someone that you see as part of your hopes and dreams and being with them only adds to the feeling of your dreams coming true.
5. "Trust your heart and let fate decide."
Sometimes life is messy and doesn't always work out how you planned. Sometimes your head and your heart are saying two different thing and you have to make a decision. Tarzan showed us that sometimes you need to trust what is in your heart and leave the rest up to fate. Everything happens for a reason and sometimes you have to go with what your heart says. It may not always make 100 percent factual sense, but you should never ignore what truly lies inside your heart.