From a new phone to the latest sneakers, as consumers there are a lot of purchases we can make and feel that they are affecting our lives for the better. This holiday season, in addition to writing a list of materialistic desires, focus on what can contribute to your life in the long run. Invest in your health!
1. Journal
When it comes to health & wellness, journaling provides a multitude of benefits. From personal experience, journaling assists in creating a clear head-space; a clear head-space is essential when it comes to attempting to conduct a more stress-free life. Bottling up one's feelings causes anxiety and can be debilitating; therefore, journaling is one of the various effective approaches to channeling a more sound headspace. Although a large benefit of journaling is related to mental health, another upside to journaling is the daily/weekly literary interaction.
Writing daily or weekly can contribute to vocabulary maintenance and expansion; the constant writing provides you with the skills and routine to construct more dictionary advanced sentences in everyday conversations. In addition to the fact that journaling positively contributes to your health & wellness, an incentive for investing in a journal is the selection process.
There is a plethora of different types of journals; from regularly lined journals and dot journals to blank journals that provide the writer with utter creative freedom. Buy a really cute journal and some colorful pens and just go at it.
 2. Elastic/Resistance Workout Bands
Elastic/Resistance workout bands are the Legos of the at home workout kit. They are a versatile entity providing you with anything that you could possibly need. Elastic/Resistance bands are great for targeting a variety of areas, whether it be arms, core or legs.
The mobility of these bands allows you to workout anywhere; if you are stuck in your dorm and don't quite feel like going to the gym, you can use these bands to conduct a fairly complete workout.
3. Yoga Mat
Similar to the elastic/resistance bands, yoga mats are mobile. They are the perfect companion to elastic/resistance bands regarding dorm and at home workout. While performing core workouts, the floor might be too firm of a surface for your back; therefore, the yoga mat can be of assistance.
Yoga mats are also a great tool to use for daily stretching. Although it seems like there aren't enough hours in the day, stretching is extremely important when it comes to muscle mobility and longevity. College kids, studying and homework seems to be never-ending; but maybe instead of sitting at your desk while working, roll out a yoga mat for ten to fifteen minutes a day and work while stretching.
Like the journal, the fun part about buying a yoga mat is being able to select a cute one. The aesthetic appearance of a pretty yoga mat can motivate one to utilize it; if you love your yoga mat, you're more likely to use it!
4. Diffusing Water Bottle
The diffusing water bottle, a motivating way to meet your daily water intake goal. Drinking a sufficient amount of water daily has various benefits, whether it be health related or vanity related. Staying hydrated is vital in the maintenance of a clear complexion.
For those of you who don't know, a diffusing water bottle is a water bottle with a net or cage above the nozzle/mouthpiece, in which you can place fruit, veggies or tea bags to enhance the flavor of the water you are drinking. For some, basic water is too bland or boring, therefore the diffuser allows the consumer to alter the flavor of the water to their liking.
It is a fun way to keep your beverages interesting, all while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
5. Face Masks
Face masks, these are a personal favorite. Self-care is a vital piece in the puzzle of self -love along with health & wellness; if you look good, you feel good. Whether your purpose for using a face mask is a breakout, or just something fun to do with your friends at a sleepover; everyone can benefit from using face masks.
There is a wide variety of face masks one can choose from; whether it be a hydrating mask, charcoal mask or cleansing mask. The opportunities are endless, they are affordable and make for a great stocking stuffer.
These are not luxurious or extremely pricey items and can most likely be found at any Target or Walmart store, but the incorporation of any of these items into your daily routine can contribute immensely to your health & wellness. P.S. Mom if you're reading this, please consider this my holiday wish list (the items that I do not have already).