Bad stories make headlines. That's just it. This week, the main focus in the news has been the Presidential campaign. But I don't want to focus on the campaign right now. I don't want to think about what could happen to our country in a couple of days. Instead, I want to focus on the happy articles I read this week. So here goes!
1. A bar in Lincolnshire, England implemented a way to make women feel safer in public spaces.
In an attempt to make women feel safer in public places, Lincolnshire, England put up posters in women's bathrooms with a plan for women. If they feel unsafe on a date or in general, the woman would go up to the bar and ask for Angela. The person tending the bar would then help the woman get out of the situation. That's pretty awesome if you'd ask me!
2. A father made sure his little daughter would be able to trick-or-treat on a flight
Parents would do anything to make their children smile. This father went above and beyond by passing out candy to other passengers on the flight with a note that read:
"My three-year-old daughter, Molly, was bummed that she wouldn't be able to go trick-or-treating this year due to this flight so I decided to bring trick-or-treating to her. If you are willing, when my little donut comes down the aisle, please drop this in her basket. You’ll be making her Halloween! If you’re unwilling, no worries, just pass the treat back to me. Thanks so much!"
Surely enough, Molly, dressed up as a little donut, got to go trick-or-treating with the help of some kind strangers.
3. Thorn rescued 6,000 sex trafficking victims
Ashton Kutcher amazes me all the time. He created an organization with his now ex-wife, Demi Moore, back in 2008. Over the years, the organization identified and rescued over 6,000 victims and 2,000 traffickers. That's 6,000 plus lives that has been changed by this organization.
4. Harvard canceled the rest of its men's soccer season as punishment
Starting in 2012, the Harvard men's soccer team created an evaluation of the soccer women's soccer recruits that included pictures and ratings on what the women looked like. When the University President found out, and nobody owned up for it, President Faust canceled the rest of their season. This means that the team will have no chance at winning the Ivy League championship or any NCAA tournament. It sounds like a just punishment for a team that addresses their female counterparts in such ways.
5. Rescued pit bull gets love from police
The pit bull, named Jamie, was found malnourished and covered in urine and feces. The officers who found her spent time with her by taking her out to the dog park and getting some sweet treats. Jamie, called a sweet pit bull, is still up for adoption! If interested, please check out her adoption listing here.