Well, my friends, the time has come. For me, this time entails wishing I could squeeze into a tiny costume and pass as a child so I could go door to door and innocently gather myself a stash of candy to celebrate the Halloween season without being questioned. Alas, I'm left nostalgically staring down the candy aisles and at Halloween displays every time I enter a store. On the bright side, it is almost time to stock up in case I get any trick-or-treaters at my house (I currently have 2 confirmed guests). Here are some of my favorite Halloween candies from childhood that will serve as shopping guidelines (and of course I'll buy some extra. Halloween candy makes good Thanksgiving and Christmas candy, too, right?)
1. Candy Corn
2. M&M's
I always loved getting fun-sized bags of M&M's in my trick-or-treat offerings. They're perfect to pack in a lunchbox for dessert, and they come in several variations now compared to what was offered when I was of trick-or-treating age. They will always be appealing because they're small, fun, and convenient, and I don't think that will ever go out of style.
3. Nerds
I really liked Nerds when I was a kid, but they weren't ever really my favorite. I understand the value of Nerds now because of the nice break they give the mouth from chocolate. You get your crunchy, sour, texture fix from them in between bouts of super sweetness from the other candy you've collected.
4. Kit Kat
My great-grandmother would always keep Kit Kat bars on hand in the fridge, and they were the go-to treat whenever I would visit her house. Kit Kats remain one of my current favorites because they remind me of the times I spent with her. Of course, I prefer them cold.
5. Tootsie Pop
Tootsie Pops are generally badass because they've got the longest running commercial ever to touch television. Also they're delicious and mix hard, fruity candy with a chewy, chocolate center. You can find them most commonly at Halloween in the Child's Play specialty candy assortment, which is filled with delicious blasts from the past.
But actually, can we declare a national holiday for judgment-free adult trick-or-treating?