5 Great Art History Films | The Odyssey Online
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5 Great Art History Films

Explore the fascinating world of art with these cinematic greats.

5 Great Art History Films

Wether you are an aspiring art aficionado or just looking to fill some empty summer time with a good film, Art History movies entertain and inspire through exploring the world’s mastery in cultural achievement. Art tells the story of our past, present and future so educating oneself in the social and cultural significance of art is imperative for understanding life’s complexity. Movies that dive into the world of Art History offer viewers a attention-grabbing visceral experience. I have created a list of five films that I personally find exceptional and worthy of your time that will become standouts in your mind. So block off a summer weekend and commit to watching these films in bed for an awakening and intriguing viewing event.

1.The Rape of Europa.

This documentary explores the tragedy of the Nazis’ plunder of the the world’s greatest art during World War II and the extensive measures to restore and recover the irreplaceable masterpieces that still continue to this day. Feelings of sadness, anger, triumph, happiness and hope are all evoked in the moving historical documentary that displays both the savagery and gentility of humanity. The film is currently on Netflix for your viewing ease.

2. Mona Lisa Simle.

Art and Julia Roberts, who needs more? This feel good classic tells the story of a young college professor at an all girl’s school who teaches her Art History class students about the meaning and mystique of art, among other things. Mentions and displays of art's masterpieces and treasures will have any art lover giddy with excitement while watching this movie. This movie is also available on Netflix because life works out like that.

3. The Monuments Men.

Watch the true story of the World War II platoon of art scholars, conservators and artists tasked with recovering the lost art taken by the Nazis. This triumphant film highlights the incredible task of finding the violated art and returning it to its former glory. Directed by George Clooney, the movie never found much commercial success, but is raved by critics. The real inspirational achievements by the Monuments Men make this movie a must-see.

4. The Art of the Steal (2009).

Chronicling the struggle of ownership of Albert C. Barnes’ extensive and impressive 25 billion dollars post-impressionist and modern art this documentary dissects Barnes’ battle with his Philadelphian enemies beyond his grave. The controversial subject of the film is still a heated and compelling debate in the art world. Netflix has this movie too so you can continue your journey through Art History films lying in bed.

5. Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry.

This prolific biographical documentary details the life of famed Chinese artist and activist Ai Weiwei and his increasingly provocative and public interactions with the Chinese government. With almost neurotic detail and precision, the film's director explores many facets of Ai Weiwei's past and present to explain the motives of his artistry and morality. Award-winning and admirable this film will leave a lasting impression on every viewer.

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