This past Tuesday, members of the Republican party took to the stage for their last debate of the year. The topic, security and foreign policy. As can be expected some of the statements provided by the candidates were a tad outlandish, and were way off base. Here are a few things they said that may make your head spin.
1. On Syria
Trump: "Ban the Syrians from Syria"
Carson: "Uhhhhh..."
Cruz: "Keep America in Syria, that way when we bomb them, we can tax them afterward"
Bush: "That's in Iraq right?"
2. Proposed ban on Muslims
Trump: "I mean, I said that so it must be a good idea"
Carson: "If this is what needs to be done, then we should do it and take it one step further and ban them from the grocery stores too"
Cruz: "Doesn't Donnie here want to bang his daughter?"
Bush: "My dad said it was a bad idea, and I think I agree with that"
3. Gun Control
Trump: "I have a friend who is huge into guns, and he supports my decision to keep them around"
Carson: "These tragedies couldn't possibly have been caused by guns, it's obviously a mental health issue"
Cruz: "Gun regulation is the one thing in this country that I just think will destroy the integrity of the constitution"
Bush: "I like going out with my brother, uh, my cousin, and my pop and just shooting on the range. Nothing feels better"
4. On Trump
Trump: "Great guy, he's got my vote"
Carson: "He speaks his mind, but maybe he shouldn't so often and so boldly"
Cruz: "This country will never be 'great again' if that man is allowed to represent the Grand Old Party"
Bush: "No comment"
5. The East
Trump: "[Kim Jong Un] is a little bit too fat to be ruling such thin people, and honestly I think that goiter could be fixed. Also China"
Carson: "Some people actually get confused about which way east is, it's called 'directlexia'"
Cruz: "We can no longer rely on the loans that we've made to China, and we have to surpass them in production again. We have to win this race"
Bush: "You know, my brother always says that we can't really trust them because they have roots in communism, but I'm not sure what to believe about that"
As you can tell, there are many factors that contribute to the race for the Republican nomination is a close and heated one. Whether it be on guns, terrorism, the Middle East, or the East, all of the candidates have a strange view on how politics may or may not actually work. It will be interesting to see who wins the nomination despite all of this.