What an exciting time! You're surrounded by curiosity, adventure, and temptations. You've gotten to college, the big leagues. It's time to explore this new world around you in style. Whether you're a returning student or a first timer, we've all got a pocket of cash or a bank account that we're trying to protect and stretch out a wee bit longer before we're in some financial danger. There are so many tricks of the trade and advice on how to save money and how to not buy this or not buy that. It's just a matter of finding what works for you! That college life you always dreamed of can be totally affordable, you just have to budget and save-- oh, and follow these 5 golden rules!
1. Stick to the list
Make lists. It's that simple. Know what you need and what you're going to buy, no matter where you're going. This will help those wandering eyes and impulse purchases. When you know what you need to get, it helps you budget ahead of time so that you know how many bucks will be pulled from your pocket. Besides, when sticking to the list, your brain will get into the habit of separating wants and needs.
2. Pay first, play later
Do some quick math, look into the future and know how much money you need to set aside. Make sure that you pay your important stuff first. This is one of the most important rules. If you don't follow this then, after your fun money is gone, you might not have any money to afford those fun things. Pay your rent and bills first. Set some money aside for them and keep your paws off. We know the temptation is there, but you'll thank yourself later.
3. Go Green - Saving Money Smarts
Ever heard of "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle"? This motto can be applied here with your belongings and what you should get a few uses out of before buying new. When it comes to school supplies, try to save it for the next year or two. Fall in love with what you're wearing and embrace your style-- this will help you get the most out of the clothes that you currently have. Save your bags and use them over and over again. All you have to do is look around you and, if it can serve a new purpose, go for it. Innovation is key, and it's actually pretty darn cool!
4. Sharing is caring
You know how carpools save on gas? Well, when friends all put in for groceries, trips, supplies, etc., it saves everyone's wallets as well. If you can split the rent, bills, groceries, tab and tip with friends, do it! The more the merrier. This way everyone saves.
5. Skip the major expenses
Learn how to live with what you need to make you truly happy. If you really think about it, nine times out of ten, this is something that you don't need your wallet for. Skip the huge expensive trip for spring break and plan a local get away with close friends that your bank account will thank you for. Make a list and hit the grocery store for home cooked meals instead of eating out. Brainstorm ways to go out and have fun at a low budget venue. Your happiness is what you make it to be. Just remember that you don't always need big bucks to make it happen.