Bye bye 2016, and hello to a new year of undiscovered change and events that await. Here are 5 goals that I strive to accomplish in 2017:
1. Try new things
Fear of the evil in the world will not hold me back this next year; I will not live my life in fear because ultimately, a life lived without risks is not one at all.
2. Learn to forgive
When trust is lost, forgiveness is always found; a hard lesson learned this year. 2017 will be a year of unending forgiveness, no matter the circumstance.
3. Truly understand that everything happens for a reason
Yes, there were plenty of devastating events that happened this year, but as hard as it seemed to understand in the moment, everything happened for a reason; all a part of a plan that does not need to be understood.
4. Learn the importance of family and friends
You don’t get to choose your family, but I’m incredibly thankful for the people God has allowed me to call family. In this upcoming year, I will learn to cling to my friends and family with all I have because you never know when a loved one will be taken away forever.
5. Grow in my relationship with Christ
Being a Christian is not easy, but this year has taught me a lot about the importance of Christian values and the love the Lord has for His children. In 2017, I will not regress in my relationship with the Lord because of worldly influences, but only take steps forward.