I never liked New Year's resolutions. Yes, they're fun but it's easy to forget midway through the year. I'm going to take things bit-by-bit this year and focus by going one semester at a time.
1. Work on fantasy novel.
This is something I have been procrastinating on for the longest time due to the fear that the world I built isn't complete. But this year no matter what I'm going to write at least five chapters towards the novel when I have time and create five new character sheets to help with character development.
2. Cut out toxicity.
Last semester I got myself into toxic situations that seriously affected my mental health. After having a month to think about it, it's time to cut those people out of my headspace and live my best life.
3. Make time For friends.
Last semester I didn't really spend that much time with my friends that were outside my major as much as I would like. This semester I want to give more time to them because I care about them all the same.
4. Keep a more structured calendar.
Usually, my planner can be chaotic in one way or another but now I want to make sure I don't have any time conflicts before it's too late. This involves more reminders and to-do lists for me, as well as using more color-coding than I did last semester.
5. Live in the moment.
New year, new semester. It's time to let go of silly mistakes. Instead of letting them haunt me and hold me back I'm going to focus on what's happening in the now and planning for ahead. This is something I continually work on but hopefully it will only get better this semester.
Those are five goals I have for myself this semester. Let me know some of yours in the comments below!