1. If you're a first-year or haven't taken a test since last semester and need some freshers on how to get started.
2. When you have very bad luck and all of your midterms are in the same week or, even worse, the same day.
3. And the odds are not in your favor but your friends root for you anyways.
3. You haven't planned enough time for sleep and start doing strange things like setting your alarm for 18-minute naps.
4. You need help to stay awake and a lot of it!
5. But then too much espresso and you're jittery and need to stop or you'll look like this.
6. So you desperately try to find time to sleep, but it doesn't go so well.
7. And you get confused by something in your notes but are stubborn and try to figure it out by yourself- for hours. TA's and office hours are a better option.
8. Then, you're first midterm comes around. You've studied so much, but still feel like you don't know anything and give yourself a pep talk...
9. When you finish your midterm and feel good and relieved.
10. But everyone is talking about the test after and comparing answers after and you start to doubt everything.
11. When you're shocked to remember what feeling accomplished and relaxed is like, and it feels amazing.