April showers bring May flowers? Wrong. Not in the Midwest. Actually, April SNOW showers usually kill the May flowers. But I don't want to get too dark or anything. For those who can relate to my pain and struggle, spring in the Midwest is like being led on by your crush. It's warm one day and your crush is flirting it up with you, to snow the next day when you get put in the friend zone. Here's a short compilation of SpongeBob gifs that sums up what a Midwest "spring" is like.
1. The "first day of spring"
Because you can always count on the Midwest to bring a nice snowstorm to kick off the spring season!
2. The actual first day of spring in the Midwest
Ahhh, finally, weather depression no more! The sun is out, people are getting their vitamin D, spring fever is real, and everyone is way nicer than usual!
3. Any day after that
Alright, we forgot that heat + humidity isn't the best combination in the world! But hey, at least it's warm out?
4. Sike, it's forecasted to snow tomorrow
This is not abnormal to Midwesterners by any means, but it'd be nice if the sun would just stick around for more than a couple of days.
5. If Midwest spring was a SpongeBob gif mocking real spring:
Real Spring: April showers bring May flowers!
Midwest Spring: ApRil ShOWerS bRiNg mAY FlOweRs