Growing up in South Florida, I learned a lot of things about city living.
However, there were some things I never experienced while living there that were completely new to me when I moved away. My heart and soul are eternally bound to my hometown, but there are some things from Georgia I couldn't imagine living without.
1. Sweet Tea
Before moving to Georgia, I had never tasted sweet tea. My first sweet tea was actually Peace Tea, and I quickly grew to become obsessed. Later, I moved onto McDonald's sweet tea and now actively get Lipton's sweet tea. I had to go 3 months without it this past summer and almost lost my mind. I can't imagine my life without it.
2. Seasons
Florida Seasons: summer, super summer, extreme summer, mild summer. What are fall leaves? Snow? That sounds horrifying.
Georgia Seasons: spring, summer, fall, winter. It was a lovely change. I realize that the winters here are very mild compared to any state up north, but it's a giant change from Florida. I' ve learned that autumn is my favorite season and, as much as I love South Florida, can't imagine living without that breathtaking view of colorful leaves.
3. The word "Y'all"
I used to think that saying "Y'all" made you a redneck. It actually saves a bit of time instead of saying "you all" constantly. It's a phrase I'm not ashamed to use anymore.
4. Off-roading
It may sound stupid and not at all entertaining, but off-roading is a lot of run with the right people. Being able to just drive through nature with the windows down and good music playing while laughing with your friends? It's a priceless experience I would have never thought to do while living in South Florida.
5. Biscuits and Gravy
I had never eaten a biscuit until I moved to Georgia. Now, I eat biscuits and gravy with my breakfast every morning in college. It seemed odd to me for the longest time while living here, but it's surprisingly delicious!