1. People still believe gender specific jobs exist.
Since I was 13 years old, I have worked for my grandfather doing construction over the summers. People say construction is a man's job and women cannot do the same work, because we cannot handle it the same way. However, before I started working with my grandfather, my mom had been working with him for 15 years. She could keep up with the men and do the work right along with them. The union hired her to pour concrete. There, she had her own crew underneath her, proving she was able to complete the strenuous tasks and earning her right to work alongside the other men.
Being a woman does not mean you cannot do the same work a man does. If a woman sets her mind to and wants to do the same strenuous work as her male co-worker, then she should be able to do so proudly, without getting berated, degraded or condescended. This world is full of jobs for which people think a man would be a better fit than a woman; let's prove them wrong.
2. Wages are still higher for men than women at the same job.
Studies have shown men will get promotions quicker than their female counterpart. When it comes to wages, men tend to earn more, even if they have the same exact degree as their female co-workers. However, this does not have to be the case. If a woman wants a promotion or higher wage, then she should give it her all to prove herself and get it.
3. Women are still seen as homemakers.
There are some people that think women should just stay at home and raise the kids. However, what if she is the only one in the household that can work at the time? Someone has to have a job to bring home money and pay the bills. If a woman wants to go work and the man wants to stay at home, then who is anyone to say they're wrong?
4. Paternity leave is almost non-existent.
Maternity/Paternity leave is another issue in the fight for gender equality. For the most part, only the mother gets time off from work. This is ridiculous. Both parents deserve the chance to spend those precious "firsts" with their baby. A child needs both of its parents around to take care of them in the first few months -- not to mention how both parents need each other during this time.
5. People still believe in 1960 stereotypes.
When you are going to get a degree, people think men should be the doctors and women should be the nurses. We are made to believe only women are nurturers and men are the leaders. Women can be leaders right along with the men, however. People just do not always think so, because women are often not provided the opportunities to prove their abilities and worth.
If we could just discuss our differences, rather than blow up on someone for what they believe, then there just might be some actual change in the world. If a guy says he thinks you don't belong working alongside him, simply prove him wrong. Show him your worth and place in the company. Men should not be the only ones that can be the providers for households, women should be able to do so also. The world is always changing. Maybe if people educated themselves, then there can be a better change in work environments as well.