Ever visited a little website called Thinkgeek.com? No? Ok, THEN DON'T. No, in all seriousness if you haven't yet, and you do, prepare yourself to shell out dollar after dollar. Think Geek is an Amazon.com that caters just to those who have a severe passion for all things in or specific things in any realm of pop culture. Even better (or worse, depending on how you look at it), items on think geek most likely can't be found in other places, whether it be for the right price or or at all. Except for Gamestop. You can find a lot of their stuff at Gamestop, because they have a deal with Think Geek to stock their awesomeness on their shelves.
In any case, the website has some amazing things for purchase, and while it would be great to list them all, we are going to focus on five incredible trinkets that will truly lead you to becoming broke as you will spend all your money on the site.
1. The Lego Mug ($4.99-$11.99)
Do you like coffee, tea, or hot chocolate? Do you possibly have a job where you may have some downtime? Do you love legos? Well then, this mug is right up your alley. The Lego Mug allows you to build upon while sipping your hot (or cold) beverage, creating a new way of looking at leisure and relaxation. However, if you're chugging down a cup of joe to make it through your day, then you can easily use that energy to build a small skyscraper on the side of your drinking utensil. The possibilities are endless!
2. Pac-Man Ghost Lamp ($31.99)
Back in the '80's, Pac-Man was a big thing. Thankfully, he's still as popular as ever, and Think Geek has made amazingly cool lamp to pay tribute to the ghost gobbler. Only, it's celebrating the villains of the series! The Pac-Man Ghost lamp changes into all the colors of the bad guys, removing the need to have a buyer grab more than one. This USB light would be great in the office or right at home, making you want to run out at any moment and hit the arcade. Don't forget to turn the lights off before you do!
3. BB-8 Car Charger ($39.99)
BB-8 fever is still running strong, hopefully as strong as your motor vehicle. Speaking of motor vehicles (nice transition, right?), thinkgeek.com has an adorable little BB-8 charger that will allow you to use the orbital droid to charge stuff using two USB ports, and he also moves his head and makes noises! Only 40 bucks?! SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!
4. Mega Man Hoodie ($29.99)
Those hoodies that have hoods that turn into zip up masks or whatnot are a pretty big thing. Yes, even with adults. Thankfully, Think Geek took note and made a hoodie devoted to the blue bomber (Mega Man in layman’s terms allowing any wearer to immediately want to jump on a dog (don’t though) and/or fight evil robots (be careful). The designer even paid extra attention to the left arm, and made it look like Mega Man’s mega blaster! WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT?
5. Harry Potter Watch ($29.99)
It may not be the most direct Harry Potter item to own, but for those who like to keep their geekiness restrained a bit, look no further than the watch shared above. The HP time...turner (? Keeper?) is gorgeous, with a golden shine, a stoic coat of arms image, and leather straps that will make all your magical classmates or office co-workers jealous. Just make sure none of them say "accio watch" around you.
Those are just five of the items that Think Geek has to offer, but it's pretty certain that your fingers are already typing in the website to go see what else they have to offer. Just have that disposable income ready!!!