We live in a chaotic, negative and discouraging world a lot of the time. It's easy to get caught up in all the things we need to do better, look better and perform better. The world needs a little more kindness- we all do. Being kind to someone doesn't cost anything, other than your time. I suggest trying a few of these simple things you could be doing to encourage the people around you.You are capable of making someone smile, just by saying hello or opening a door. It's pretty cool that we live in a world where some things don't cost a thing.
1. Write someone a letter.
I know, this seem ancient right? I am not talking a quick little text message or sliding into someone's DM's. This is good old-fashioned snail mail. Notes can be handwritten and mailed to anyone your little heart desires. I promise that this will make someone smile because you went out of your way to spend time actually writing a letter of encouragement. It pays to pay forward.
2. Call somebody just to see how they are doing.
In the hustle and bustle of busy schedules and long nights of studying, we may forget that our phones do more than let us scroll through social media. Pick up that phone and call someone you miss-- just to hear about their day. This is super uplifting, quick and easy way to let people know you love them.
3. Compliment people.
Complimenting people seems so simple right? My immediate thought is yes, because all you have to do is just tell them something nice and move on right? Then I thought about this a little more and realized, I very rarely actually compliment someone intentionally. If there is a hairstyle I like or an outfit I adore, I tend to make a mental note like, "ugh, I want that shirt", rather than saying, "hey, your shirt is adorable." If I am not alone in this, then join me in purposefully letting others know what you love about them.
4. Be intentional while spending time with those you surround yourself with.
I know for a fact I am not the only one who so often goes to a friends house or dorm, etc. and we all sit there on our technological devices rather than actually having a conversation. Being intentional with how we act around others can allow for growth with friendships and relationships.
5. Help people.
See someone having trouble carrying things? Help them. See someone unable to open the door for some reason? Open it. See someone crying for an unknown reason? Be their shoulder to cry on.
These five simple steps can help make anyone's day a lot better. You are capable of lifting others up- so DO IT!