If you've ever been through formal recruitment you know that it's a very stressful and physically exhausting time. But it isn't all bad! Here are some things recruitment taught me:
1. I need to workout more.
Formal recruitment requires visiting every single sorority house on your campus. This makes for a lot a walking and some running. I didn't realize how out of shape I was until I had to walk eight miles in one day...
2. What shoes are comfortable and which ones aren't.
Before recruitment I would've told you all of my shoes were cute and comfortable. After recruitment they're just cute...
3. You don't always get what you want.
You aren't always going to get what you want. Sometimes you think you connected with a girl and then you don't get invited back. Recruitment teaches you to deal with disappointment head on and look forward to other houses (even though I ended up getting the house I wanted, this may have happened to you).
4. Ice packs don't last all day in 90 degree weather.
Packing snacks to eat throughout the day is crucial, but what I didn't know was that my icepack in my lunch box wouldn't stay cold all day. Making my snacks less than desirable.
5. Talking constantly is hard.
When going around to all the houses during every round you are constantly talking to a girl or two in the house. I thought this would be the easy part of rush but you will run out of things to talk about and it may get awkward. Always have a few back-up things to ask or talk about to make the situation less awkward.