Inspired by I'm Shmacked, everyone's favorite college guide to partying, @imshtuffed takes a different, way more delicious route. When choosing which college to attend, majors, social life, Greek life, tuition, and weather are important, but whether we will admit it or not, food is a pivotal factor as well.
Well, now that the cat's out of the bag, let's worship this one-of-a-kind college food page. Each post, more delectable than the last, includes the name of the dish, the restaurant at which it is consumed, and the college it is nearest to. Each contributor strives to make their school appear the most appetizing; you can taste the competition!
Parents, you're in luck! @Imshtuffed has the power (and calories) to put college advisors out of business. That stressful decision, that's to be made by May 1st, becomes a lot less stressful when its influenced by your tastebuds.
It's the start of a new era: Rice Krispie art! Thank goodness someone was able to master this skill because the world was awfully bored of the original, square Kellogg's Rice Krispie Treat, which is practically an antique now.
Not only are these treats a work of art and a party for your eyes, they make great gifts! Your best friend's birthday is coming up, you're 3,000 miles away, and your trip to surprise her fell through, fill out an order form and these bad boys will be on their merry way. And let's be real, she'd most likely prefer this sugary delight over your presence anyway.
As we all know, eating healthy in college is just as impossible as slamming a revolving door, @mister_krips does us all a favor. With treats cloning avocado mashed toast and hummus, we can willingly indulge on these sweet creations without ever feeling guilty, because avocado is healthy, right?
All I have to say is, if Mister Krisp was a man, I'd definitely swipe right.
After eating half of an entire carton of Ben and Jerry's Phish food, everyone has heard their friend say at least once, "Ugh, I have a food baby." Sorry but no, you don't. You feel as though your stomach is protruding due to your "large" unnecessary intake of food, but there is no child growing inside of you. This guy, Mike Chau, does in fact have a real life food baby, and do you hear him complaining?
This is not the typical "proud father" Instagram consisting of pictures of his son playing soccer and picking pumpkins. Mike came up with a way to make baby instagrams less annoying; the world never thought it was possible. He also created the worlds greatest compromise: he wants to post pictures of his baby and we want to see food. Everyone's happy.
If you follow a myriad of food accounts, scrolling down your Instagram feed tends to be pretty aggravating. When you see a picture of a delightful s'mores flavored cupcake dripping in chocolate from Barcelona, Spain, all you want to do is hop on the next flight.
@Unprocessyourfood turns your cravings into reality, in a healthy way! They enlighten their followers with 15 second videos, somehow capturing the entirety of the cooking instructions for each given recipe. Instead of looking at that s'mores cupcake in utter disappointment knowing the chances of you ever consuming that are extremely slim, you can simply make it in your own kitchen! When it's 10 p.m. and you're craving dessert, @unproccesyourfood has healthy options to satisfy your sweet tooth that won't stop bugging you for attention. If you can't ignore it, @unprocessyourfood is your new nutritionist.
This Instagram certainly "beets" the rest. @Talkingfood is not known for it's mouth-watering displays, it's known for being "punny." They may be corny and certainly not a big dill, but they never fail to crack a smile on your face.
Plus, who posts a food Instagraham without a pun anyway? This can be your outlet of infinite ideas for captions. Donut act like you can come up with clever ones all by yourself. If you don't follow, it will be a missed-steak.