Finals Week: the single most dreaded week by college students everywhere. A week full of late nights, early mornings, empty coffee cups and tear-soaked tissues. For a while, you may start to think your life is over. But fear not; the week will soon end and break will be here faster than you can say “Will there be a curve?” Here are the Five Stages of Finals Week.
Stage 1: Denial
You may start out feeling absolutely fine. You’re feeling good, your life is together and break is almost here. What could possibly go wrong? It’s just a couple of tests! You’ve got a while to go anyway.
Stage 2: Realization
Usually about a week before finals is when the significance of this week really sets in. You realize the end of the year has creeped up on you faster than anticipated, and you may have a few less-than-desirable grades. You get that sinking feeling in your stomach and realize this is going to be a loooong week.
Stage 3: Panic
After realization, panic sets in. This stage is when the all-nighters in the library set in. Lots of coffee, crying, and hair pulling may result. Papers are scattered everywhere, a million emails to professors have been sent asking for divine intervention and the librarians are starting to look at you like you’ve gone insane.
Stage 4: Surrender
Next comes surrender, often the night before the exam. This is the stage you decide to just throw in the towel. Your sleep-deprived brain can’t handle any more information. You consider dropping out and consider the possible career options and they’re looking very bleak. Time to raise the white flag.
Stage 5: Aftermath
The final stage comes after you’ve taken the exam. At this point, you’re just relieved it’s over and probably aren’t even worried about the grade. You make your way back to your room and pass out among the empty coffee cups and highlighted study guides. You win this round, Finals Week.