5 Fictional Women That Will Change Your Life If You Let Them | The Odyssey Online
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5 Fictional Women That Will Change Your Life If You Let Them

Katniss Everdeen is a true queen.

5 Fictional Women That Will Change Your Life If You Let Them
And Philosophy

I think everyone has fictional characters from movies, books, and television shows that have impacted their lives for the better. I have more than one, and today I am going to tell you about them.

1. Hermione Granger

When I was about a year into my marriage, my husband and I discovered "Harry Potter." (Yes, we had been living under a rock for many years prior...) I had an epiphany when I met Hermione and instantly began to learn all I could about her character. I was taking my sweet time reading these books, and watching each movie (over and over again) with my husband. I became an avid "Harry Potter" fan before you could say the word, "quidditch." Of course, I was totally enraptured by the strong, smart, brave, and powerful character of Hermione Granger.

And then one day I realized: Hermione is beautiful, but she is not regarded based on her beauty. She is not objectified because of her "good looks." She is admired because of her good grades, revered because of her knowledge of how to use magic for good, and inspiring to others because of her work to better the world around her. If I could meet Hermione, I would ask her how she does it. How she lives in a world that only cares about what is on the outside while still remaining true to herself, respecting herself and others, and only judging others on the basis of who they are, not what they do or what they look like. I'll be honest, I have admired Hermione ever since that moment - and I always will.

2. Katniss Everdeen

When I think of strong women, Katniss Everdeen comes to my mind right away. She is a powerful role model for women everywhere, and Katniss is and always will be number one in my book. Throughout the entire series, Katniss cares for the people around her, always does the best she can at everything she tries, and remains humble and shows compassion for the "unloved" or "unlikeable" characters in the story. She does all she can to keep the people she loves safe, and I really respect that. She has this unprecedented level of selflessness and is willing to give up her life for the good of those around her.

Katniss is one tough cookie, and I have always admired her rough exterior. Katniss is not only physically strong but when she is tested emotionally and mentally as well, she always comes out on top. She knows how to take care of herself, how to love, and how to survive better than anyone else I know. She will always be my favorite. Don't worry, Katniss. You got this.

3. Tris Prior

Tris Prior gave me a run for my money when I began reading her story about a year ago. It wasn't until I finished the series, read the last chapter, and cried my eyes out on an airplane that I really understood the gravity of what Tris' life and story meant to me. I was with my husband and I just looked at him and said, "This book is better. It's better." (Meaning, better than the "Hunger Games" - sorry Katniss!) I was already in tears, but as I began to explain to him what happened, her story became real to me; I literally couldn't stop crying. When I got to the last page, I couldn't believe what I was reading. Tobias was in his old house, all by himself, about to stick himself with a vial full of poison; it wouldn't end his life, but it would take away his memory. He would forget everything. He would forget Tris.

So there I was, reading about Tobias' response to Tris being dead, to Tris giving her life for everyone she knew, and I couldn't take it anymore. I knew how Tobias felt because that is how I felt when my mom died. I just wanted to forget everything. I told my husband that I didn't understand why Tris had to die, but in the end, I did. The problem wasn't that she died. She was a hero. The problem was everyone else... they had to go on without her. They had to survive. They had to do life without Tris. A life without Tris; is that even worth living?

Dauntless, Abnegation. In the end, courage and selflessness are one in the same. They are equal.

4. Topanga Lawrence

Topanga Lawrence keeps me sane and if there is any character that is most like me, it's her. I grew up watching "Boy Meets World" and wishing I could have her hair, but I realized that it isn't the hair that makes a girl beautiful; it is her character. At the end of "Boy Meets World," I cried and cried. For the last several years, I have looked up to Topanga because of her ability to stand up for herself, her loyalty in relationships, her purity, and her love for others. To this day, I watch Topanga and Corey on "Girl Meets World" and I hope that I'm just like her when I grow up: healthy marriage, powerful career, and adorable kids that make this world a brighter place. I love my hair and my husband. I hope to have a family one day, and honestly, wish I had thought to propose to Matt first; just like Topanga did with Cory. I love being me, and I learned how to be true to myself while watching Topanga, Cory, and Shawn on "Boy Meets World." Whenever I have a bad day, nothing makes it better like a "Boy Meets World" marathon. I may not be just like her, but one thing is for sure: I definitely have her sass.

We live in an imperfect world, but Topanga reminds us of one simple truth: "It's not what you look like on the outside that matters. It's what kind of person you are."

All I have is but one life to live, and I hope I can use it to make a difference like Corey and Topanga. It really is a beautiful life and we should make the most of it in every way we can.

Topanga helps me become a better person.

5. Bay Kennish

Bay Kennish cares so much about the people around her. She wants to help them, care for them, and make their world better in any way she can. She wants to create beautiful things, make her family proud, and give and receive love. Bay is the star of the Freeform show "Switched at Birth" and she is my favorite.

Bay looks at the world differently because she is an artist, and she brings a fresh perspective to the television screen. Bay tries to always be the bigger person, and I really admire that quality in her life. I am truly blessed by who she is, and she makes me want to be a better person.

Thank you, fictional women for being brave, beautiful on the INSIDE, and inspiring to us "real-life" women. We appreciate you.

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