The 5 Feelings You Get Rewatching Your Favorite TV Series Or Movies | The Odyssey Online
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The 5 Feelings You Get Rewatching Your Favorite TV Series Or Movies

Tears of either excitement or misery.

The 5 Feelings You Get Rewatching Your Favorite TV Series Or Movies

I really enjoy revisiting my favorite shows like "Grey’s Anatomy" (R.I.P., Derek Shepard). For some people, they like to watch the entire story from beginning to end all over again and not skip around, while for others, they like to watch only their favorite parts. Me personally, I like both sides because let’s face it, some scenes are so boring I just need to skip them. While watching, here are some things I find myself doing.

1. Deciding to re-watch it because you’re bored.

We’ve all been there when you are scrolling through Netflix and just can’t seem to find any new shows that meet your standards. For me, "The 100" didn’t cut it. We give it a try but ultimately resort back to either the classics ("Clueless") or our favorites ("Gossip Girl").

2. Knowing the plot.

Obviously we know what’s going to happen in every part or episode, so it's no surprise when the people end up (back) together. Its all exciting even if something tragic happens just because you are already prepared… to get the tissues.

3. Snoring through the boring.

I absolutely skip the boring scenes, who doesn’t? I have no time to waste watching people walk down hallways or watch my least favorite characters’ drama. No thank you. I will say that skipping the boring parts puts me at the best seat in the house to watch the best scenes, aka any. Jon. Snow. Scene. Ever.

4. Sleep deprivation.

Either you’ve gotten some sleep and are a responsible show watcher, or you’ve gone without sleep for days and weeks from watching episode after episode, or completing the movie collection. I’ve caught myself doing just that and I can’t honestly say I was in full no contact mode. #SorryNotSorry.

5. Depression.

I’ve just finished my third time re-watching "Grey's" and I am very sad that its over, but not that sad because the new season premiere is right around the corner! Even if its all over, forcing your friends to start watching the series you’ve been pining over since forever is always exciting and then you have another reason to watch it all over again so it’s a win-win.

So even though you probably wasted half your youth, it was all worth it and will probably end up doing it again. I know I have and I defiantly know I will.

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