It is officially summer. When we were youngins' this meant that we would spend our days either plopped in front of some electronic device or splashing in a pool somewhere. Ah, the good ol' days. Now, as semi-functioning adults (let's face it we haven't reached adulthood yet and that's cool with us) we have a very different relationship with the season of summer.
All winter and spring (maybe even fall if you were feeling extra) we scour all the websites, ask all the friends of friends and begin to beg someone to allow them to breathe the same air as them as an intern. And then after months (and months) of searching and failing, someone finally deems you worthy (okay not worthy but they are desperate) and allows you to come work for them. Score.
But then the doubt creeps in like death (too dramatic?). Then *blink* it's time to pack up, hit the road and start shaking hands with your new boss and co-workers. Here are 5 emotions interns may go through in their first week of their summer internship.
1. Nervous AF
The night before you have your outfit picked out and laid out as if it were the first day of 7th grade (who am I kidding I've still done this in college). You get like three hours of sleep total because you are worried you will sleep through one of the 15 alarms you have set on your phone. You also keep double checking your phone to make sure it's still working.
Just in case, you also set an alarm on an actual alarm clock (you're so cool and retro for still owning an alarm clock btw). When you wake up you down three cups of coffee to make up for the fact that you've only had three hours of sleep and rush to your car. And off you go.
2. Self Conscious
Every day you are so nervous about being late so you arrive like 20 minutes early so you sit in your car for like 10 minutes. But then you start to worry they can see you sitting in your car (weirdo) and then you rush in. Then as you shake hands with everyone you are FULLY aware that you are sweating like a pig at a bacon festival (too far?). Then all the coffee hits you and you have to GO.
You then you proceed to go every 10 minutes because you keep drinking water to make yourself feel less nervous. And then you worry that the guy you walk by on the way to the bathroom thinks you have some sort of issue with your inners, but really you just have to pee a lot (No, just me? Cool.) And then it's an endless cycle of over thinking every move you make.
3. Lost
Then there are everyone's names. Good luck remembering those. They keep saying words you've never heard of. Actually, are they speaking another language? Oh no, they just asked me something. What's my name? Do I even have a name? Mom, why didn't you give me a name? Do I know even know how to speak? What is talking? Words, where you at homie?
4. Dumb
I know nothing (thought while slamming head into my key board). Everyone is so smart and I am just NOT.
OMG, a compliment? Maybe I am worthy. Man, these people are SO nice and SO smart and SO AWESOME. I am so lucky to be here right now. Golly gee, I love me. I worked so hard for this. Gosh, I AM awesome. (These thoughts last about 10 seconds and then you once again realize you know nothing AT ALL).
Did anyone else feel like this? No? No, everyone is way cooler and calmer than I am? Cool. Was asking for a friend.