I think we all can agree the 90's overall was...something else. I can quite put my finger on a proper description. Maybe because I only lived about 4 years in the 90's. But I have purposefully made a goal to explore some the pop culture from the most significant decades. From the temptations in the 60's to Queen in the 70's, I've made a small attempt to appreciate the pop culture that came before the 00's. When it comes to movies these are some of my favorite that came out in the 90's.
1. The Matrix
When I finally sat down and actually watched the entire Matrix Trilogy I was amazed at how deep it was. It starts an internal conversation about "What is life?" and "Are living in a matrix of our own?"
2. American Beauty
I did not watch American Beauty until this year. Which was probably a good thing. Kevin Spacey is a high-class actor and never disappoints.
3. The Lion King
Who doesn't love The Lion King. I still cry when I watch this movie.
4. Rush Hour
Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan had the best partnership in Rush Hour.
5. Meet Joe Black
This! I honestly only watched this because I saw Brad Pitt's face on the movie poster. It's a long movie but every second only positively adds to the story.