The 5 Christmas Movies You Wait All Year For | The Odyssey Online
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The 5 Christmas Movies You Wait All Year For

It's that time of year again.

The 5 Christmas Movies You Wait All Year For

We’ve kissed Thanksgiving goodbye and now we start preparing to welcome our favorite holiday. It’s that time of the year again, you can officially start listening to Christmas songs and start writing your letter to Santa (because he obviously exists). Christmas season is not only about getting gifts but it’s also the time to spend with family after a long year of stressing over work and school. One of the best things to do with family during the Christmas season is to watch Christmas movies and we are lucky to have been given every type of Christmas movie, from cartoons to comedy movies. Here are a few movies that will get you through the Christmas season.

“A Charlie Brown Christmas”

Even though “A Charlie Brown Christmas” is not a movie but a television special, it is worth mentioning it because it’s always on during the season. Watching “A Charlie Brown Christmas” is part of the American Christmas tradition. Charlie Brown wants to know the true meaning of Christmas after seeing how materialistic Christmas has become. The peanut gang chooses Charlie to be in charge of picking out the Christmas tree. Charlie does so, but he picks a lonely small tree. We later on witness how the gang learns what the holiday is all about after the purchase of this tree.

“Home Alone”

An 8-year-old has to protect his home from two con men who want to rob the family residence. Kevin McCallister’s family head off to Paris for the holiday but they mistakenly leave without Kevin. We watch how this tiny person defeats two grown men and it’s completely hilarious.


Whenever this movie is on, it makes me laugh like it’s my first time watching it. A 30-year-old elf finds out he is actually a human who has been taken care of by Papa Elf. He finds out who his biological father is and also finds that he is on the naughty list. We observe his journey in New York City where hilarious events happen to him.

“The Santa Clause”

The plot of this movie is so unique that it has to be on this list. A divorced dad, Scott, accidentally kills Santa thinking it was just a man wearing a Santa suit. This makes him become the next new Santa. The movie takes the audience through Scott’s journey of becoming Santa, which involves gaining weight, growing a white beard and figuring out how to deliver all the presents on time.

“A Christmas Story”

It’s not really Christmas day if TBS doesn’t have this movie on repeat for 24 hours straight. This is probably my favorite part of Christmas, having a classic movie on repeat. Ralphie just wants one thing for Christmas, a BB gun. Every adult around him thinks it’s a bad idea. The big day arrives, and the anticipation is at its peak.

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