My 5 Favorite Books By Vladimir Nabokov
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My 5 Favorite Books By Vladimir Nabokov

I am committed to reading everything which Nabokov has written, but here's what I like best thus far.

My 5 Favorite Books By Vladimir Nabokov

5. "Laughter in the Dark"

In the year 1940 Vladimir Nabokov immigrated to the United States in order to escape the continually escalating violence that was prominent in Berlin. His time spent in the United States would prove to be a turning point in his career, as some of his most popular works would be produced during this time. However, Nabokov would also undergo the task of self-translating his older novels which were still only available in Russian. It is as a result of this commitment that English speaking audiences were first introduced to the black comedy of Laughter in the Dark. This short novel is an exemplary example of Nabokov’s cynical sense of humor, as the first sentence gives away the entire story. However the narrator admits that he will take pleasure, along with the reader, in recounting every unfortunate detail.

4. "Speak, Memory"

Speak, Memory is the title of Nabokov’s autobiography which recollects his life from 1903 until 1940 and his journey to America. Though I have never been a large fan of autobiographies I found Speak, Memory to be written in a manner that made it a pleasure to read. This is also the book that gave me perhaps my favorite quote as it opens with, “The cradle rocks above an abyss, and common sense tells us that our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness.” Aside from that I think we all need to admit that “Speak, Memory” is the most brilliant title thus far created for any memoir.

3. The Defense also known as The Luzhin Defense

The Defense is the third novel by Nabokov, and outlines to readers the struggle of chess prodigy Aleksandr Ivanovich Luzhin. Luzhin suffers a severe mental breakdown during one of the most important chess matches of his life, and decides that what’s best is to abandon the game for good. Unfortunately the game slowly starts to reinsert itself into his life and eventually pushes Luzhin to a catastrophic end. I must admire that Nabokov deals with the literary themes of obsession and depression rather subtly, and the audacity of the situation slowly lingers with the reader until the very last page.

2. "Ada, or Ardor a Family Chronicle"

Ada is the longest novel which Nabokov wrote, and one of his last as he saw its publication came shortly after his 70th birthday. Yet, Nabokov proved to many that his advanced age had no effects on his literary abilities. Not only is Ada his longest books, but it is also my opinion that it is the most literarily dense, truly a book which readers will have to return to again and again in order to understand all the genius which Nabokov packed into this novel. The story tells the tale of Van and Ada, presumed cousins, they enter a passionate love affair at a very young age only to later find out they are actually brother and sister. This is truly Nabokov at his best.

1. "Invitation to a Beheading"

It is difficult, when discussing Nabokov, not to discuss his two most infamous novels Pale Fire and Lolita. Though I consider each of these novels to be tremendous neither of them brought to me such wonderment from reading as did Invitation to a Beheading. The world which Nabokov brings to us the condemned fate of Cincinnatus C., who is found guilty of “gnostical turpitude”, is truly one a kind and best presented in this novel. I was completely enthralled and enraptured by this story from start to finish, and the ending still remains distinctly memorable in my mind. If you have any interest in this list or in Nabokov I would recommend that you pick up this book.

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