5 Facts About the Reproductive System You Never Knew
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Health and Wellness

5 Facts About the Reproductive System You Never Knew

So this is some of the stuff that mom never told me...

5 Facts About the Reproductive System You Never Knew

1) Females Do Not Release One Egg a Month

Contrary to the popular myth; more than one egg is released each month. This is due to there being a plentiful amount of nurtured eggs in follicles ready to be dispersed each month. It is typical for a teenage girl to release anywhere from 3-6 eggs a month. This is due to the high volume of eggs and high levels of estrogen. However, as one ages, fewer eggs are released to where eventually it is probable that only one egg is released. Regardless, this explains fraternal twins and why teenagers are extremely fertile.

2) Vaginal Canal to Penis Length is Proportional to Race

The stereotype about different races having different size penises is obviously true… but there is a method behind the madness! Penises are proportional in length to the same race vaginal canal solely for conception purposes. This can explain why African-American males can impregnate white females easily; yet, white males have conception troubles with their female African-American partner.

3) There is a Way to Sterilize Men Temporarily

This is a groundbreaking new form of male birth control. Basically, a switch is implanted into the male’s Vas Deferens to re-route sperm from originally being deposited in the seminal fluid, to back into the testes. This switch can be reversed making it a temporary sterilization. In my opinion it is smart… you can’t kill someone if you are shooting blanks, if you know what I mean. But… it might not be the most ideal situation for that guy… yikes.

4) The Period Continues Even if You Get Your Tubes Tied

It is important to remember that a period is dictated by levels of estrogen produced, which will in turn communicate to the pituitary gland, which will signal for a uterine lining to be formed. When there is no fertilized egg attached to the lining it sheds and BAM… period. Therefore; by having no egg come down (which is what tying your tubes does) it does not eliminate all the initial hormonal steps; it only guarantees that there will not be a fertilized egg attached to the uterine wall. The only way to stop your period is through hormonal treatments or ovarian resection. Eliminating the ovaries, and henceforth estrogen, will stop the whole process from step one.

5) The Penis is One Big Muscle

The Penis is made out two types of tissues: corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum. The corpora cavernosa is a type of muscle tissue; whereas the corpus spongiosum is a type of spongy muscle tissue. Either way, the penis is solely made up of muscle tissue. When it becomes erect, it is due to the increase of blood flow through the main penile vein. This is the only factor in erection; it has nothing to do with penis exercises or any of those myths. Although knowing it is a muscle explains why guys can wiggle it a little…
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