If your parents purposely name you Richqard with a silent q, sorry buddy, but people are going to mess that up. But sometimes, even the simplest names can get misspelled by your barista. There are many conspiracy theories that proclaim the Starbucks misspelling is a marketing plot to provoke the consumer to post pictures of their drink to advertise. Although this may advertise the drink, our facial expressions seem to have a common trend.
1. "No, I said 'Clara,' not 'Claire,' but I can see how you would get those two confused . . . "
2. "You spelled Kevin How?"
3. "I just want it spelled right for once--make Starbucks great again."
4. *cries*
5. "You can spell Hermione right but you can't get Pauly right? Come on."
Although these dramatizations are extremely overreacting and I've always enjoyed every drink that my barista has made, we all have that small sense of disappointment for a split second when our name gets misspelled.