I personally love fall! I love the weather, the colors the leave change to, the excitement surrounding Halloween, and of course Apple Cider. If you find yourself bored and can’t think of what to do, hopefully, this list helps you out.
1. Apple Picking
This is a fun event to do and you can do with a variety of different people. You could go as a date night or with friends or make it a family affair. You can make a whole day out of this. Get there around noon and then spend a couple hours exploring the apple orchard and picking the very best apples for yourself and the people you are with. The people that own the orchard might even have fresh apple cider for you to sip on while you explore. After you gather your apples up and get back home you could either be simple and just eat them or you could make apple pie or apple fritters or other delicious apple desserts.
2. Pumpkin Picking
I remember going the store with my parents to pick pumpkins out to carve and put on our front steps. This is like the more “organic” or “legit” way to get them. Just like with apple picking you can take virtually whomever you want including kids you may babysit, they would love it! The goal in pumpkin picking should be to get the most round and bright orange pumpkin you can find, that being said I would suggest that you do not pick one out that you can not carry. The best part of this is getting them home to carve! Its so fun to cut out the top and dig out the seeds and start carving the scary/silly face designs that you could possibly image. Also baking or roasting the seeds is really good to eat too.
3. Hay Rides
This is not necessarily a long event to do, but it's still a fun one. The to places to go above probably have hay rides to take you around the patches and trees. It's so interesting to sit on some hay while a tracker pulls you around and you can just look out and around at everything. It's so pretty to see all the different colors of the trees and leaves. Also you can be a little more adventurous and go on a HAUNTED hay ride too. That is only fun for the people that actually like those kinds of things.
4. Haunted Houses
Speaking of those kinds of things, haunted houses are, or at least should be, a must place to go during the fall. That’s another beautiful thing about fall…Halloween! Its like if you don’t pay $20 to have the shit scared out of you by strangers did fall even really happen? These haunted houses aren’t always houses. They can be caves, hotels, forests, jails, etc. They are a great place to go with your friends or with the person you are dating(just not as a first date).
5. Costume Shopping
This is so fun! You can spend hours in a costume store just trying to find the perfect funny, scary, or sexy Halloween costume. There are so many costumes to choose from and its so much fun just to go with friends and try on a bunch of stuff even if you don’t end up buying anything. You can also buy a couple of different accessories to go with stuff you already have and create an amazing costume.