Ever been in the mood to truly be disturbed and scared by a television show that also teaches you in the ways of horror thanks to some true masters of the genre? Well look no further my friends as I introduce you to the world of Masters of Horror.
Masters of Horror is a anthology show, that was canceled way too soon (thanks Showtime) that spends each episode trying to terrify and delight you. While it may not be everyones cup of tea, some episodes are truly disturbing even to a horror pro such as myself, it is truly a spectacular show in every sense of the word. It is directed and written by some of the biggest names in the horror world such as Ws Craven, Dario Argento, John Carpenter, and John Landis. If you ever wanted to be introduced to the horror world, I say start here because not only are you getting a lesson in many different genres of horror, yes there are many, you are also getting this lesson from some of the greats. So sit back and enjoy as I name the top five episodes to start you off on your glorious, and gory-ious, adventure.
5. Homecoming
This episode is pure genius. Not much horror here at all, but I include it in this list because during election time, this parody of the dead coming back to life is really potent right now. I'm pretty sure George Washington is rolling in his grave right now, just like these zombies were, until they came back to make a difference. This episode may also be something to start off with, but it is more funny than anything, showing you a bit of black comedy mixed with some amazing writing. So if you want to ease yourself into the genre, and into this show, start here!
4. The Black Cat
Yes, this may remind you of Edgar Allan Poe because it is! It is based on his gruesome short story, as well as featuring the man himself...or at least an actor of him. It features good ol' Poe infected by the cruel mistress known as writers block, been there buddy, and is tormented by his beloved wife's cat...and then things get a little gothic. It is a bit tame in terms of horror but is a great episode to watch none the less.
3. Imprint
Now on to some horror for the big boys out there. This episode is so messed up, I say take it with a grain of salt. It was banned in the US, at least on cable airing, and once you watch the episode you know why. It is filled with gore and psychological torture, so for the love of god save this for when you have built up a resistance, but please watch it for the sheer genius of it.
2. The V Word
When I first watched this episode as a youngster, I fell in love. Yes, I may have watched this episode when Twilight was huge, but this episode completely turns the vampire mythology back on itself to remind us that vampires are blood thirsty killers. The moral dilemma in this episode really makes it shine for me, and I believe it will for you too, and the writing is near perfection. The horror and suspense is pretty high, especially in the beginning where we find ourselves in a funeral home at night, so please enjoy.
1. We All Scream For Ice Cream

This episode is one to watch with severe caution, and I have placed it as number one on this list because of all the messed up clown drama happening in our country right now. To sum up this tale, a clown comes back from the dead for revenge...and takes a liking to the children of the town. So theres that, and I guarantee you will be checking your windows to see if a clown is watching you watching this.