From one college senior to another, here are five emotions we've all been experiencing the past few weeks. We're so close to the finish line so let's bring on all the feels!
1: Excitement
In just a few short months, we will be walking across the stage, getting our diplomas, and beginning our lives as adults. There are no more 8 AM classes, sharing a bathroom with an entire floor, or hiking across campus in the middle of a blizzard to get to the dining hall. The excitement is real!
2: Terror
In just a few short months, we will be walking across the stage, getting our diplomas, and beginning our lives as adults. This means we will be entering the "real world" where we are expected to get substantial jobs so we can start to pay back the crazy loans we've taken out over the years. Graduating is as terrifying as it is exciting and for the same exact reasons.
3: Nostalgia
After four years, there are only a handful of places or objects that do not hold a deeper meaning for us, and as we pass them for some of the last times, all of the memories they hold are coming back
"Remember the first time we got on the bus at that bus stop instead of our usual one?" "Remember sitting on this hill studying for finals freshmen year? It feels like it was so long ago!" Anything and everything is going to hit the feels during the last few weeks of classes; we just need to embrace it.
4: Confusion
"I'm sorry Professor, but you mean as soon as I hand in this last paper I am done? For good? As in my degree requirements will be complete? That cannot be possible; I just moved into my freshman dorm last week... Right?"
5: Panic
As graduation nears, there are a million and one things that need to be accomplished before the day arrives. We have to have our senior pictures done, study for finals, apply for jobs (which, we should have already done but PROCRASTINATION), and pack up our rooms for the last time. So much to do, so little time.