It's finally here! The day you get to move away from your parents and hometown has arrived. Excited? You bet. Sad? Of course not! Well, maybe just a little. For me, and I'm sure many other college freshmen, leaving behind all I had ever known hit me emotionally in five stages:
1. Numbness
8 months. 3 months. 2 weeks. 1 day. Move-in day sneaks up on you. Up until the day before move-in, I felt zero emotions whatsoever. I was just.. numb. It all didn't seem real. What had always been talked about in the future tense was suddenly my present day. College is something you talk about so often throughout high school. I got to the point where I didn't actually see myself moving in, until it happened. P.S.: This numbness stage is very confusing to mothers; they want you to be as sad as they are. Stick it out.
2. Sadness
Goodbyes suck. Saying goodbye to your dogs (I will never be over this), your brother, your coworkers, your hometown... none of them are easy.
The day you say goodbye to all of your best friends is a day you can never prepare yourself for. Numbness quickly turns into a non-stop flow of tears when you're sitting in a car jamming to Super Bass by Nicki Minaj for the last time with your squad.
You finally think you're all out of tears... then you hug your parents goodbye and they tell you how proud they are. (I feel the lump in my throat and I have to tell myself: don't cry, don't cry.)
3. Nervousness.
Move-in day is surreal, and that's the only way I can describe it. You look in the back of your car and see your whole life packed into suitcases and boxes. Am I really ready for this? You may not feel like it at first, but once you get into a routine, you'll feel like a boss who's owning freshmen year.
4. Excitement.
The time has come. You're officially alone at college. Your family is long gone and your new chapter has officially begun. It's time to get excited for interesting classes, late nights with new friends, football season, and memories that will last a life time. (Also, get excited for weekends home, because I guarantee you'll miss home cooked meals more than anything.)
5. Happiness.
Personally, my first few months of college have been nothing short of amazing. I've met amazing people, discovered so much about myself, and learned life lessons. I've fallen into routines and feel at home. In college, you can find true happiness however you see fit. This is your time to find who you are, who you want to be, and where you want to go.
The transition to college life is an emotional rollercoaster, but soak up every high and low. These are some of the best days of your life, days you'll keep close to your heart forever. This is the time to have an open mind, about everything and everyone. You never know what could be your next great opportunity or who could be your next best friend/lover/mentor.
Enjoy every second. I already want it to slow down.