Everyone knows that feeling, when you know you dropped your phone in just the right place to make it completely shatter. There is absolutely no hope for your fallen friend. But that doesn't stop you from going through these 5 emotional stages before finally accepting your fate and getting a new one.
1. Shock
NO! WHY? This cannot be happening.You can't even find the words to describe the pain that is coursing through your body.
2. Denial
"No way, my phone is NOT broken right now, the battery is just dead. Yeah that's it, the battery died and the exact same moment it smashed onto the concrete." You say to yourself, hoping it will turn on after a good charge.
3. Bargaining
"Please turn on, if you turn on I promise I will go out and buy you a LifeProof case immediately. Please just turn on. Please?"
4. Despair
Usually this stage tends to consist of looking at the phone with tears in your eyes, wondering what you did wrong to deserve this kind of karma.
5. Acceptance
Finally, you pull yourself up my your boot straps and make your way to the nearest Apple store, or phone store you can, because its been a long 8 hours being cut off from the world and its time you become a part of society.