5 Easy Ways To Treat The Earth Better in 2017 | The Odyssey Online
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5 Easy Ways To Treat The Earth Better in 2017

For those whose New Year’s resolutions included loving our planet a little more.

5 Easy Ways To Treat The Earth Better in 2017

New Years has never been a big holiday for me. The clock striking 12 has always seemed a bit anticlimactic. However, I am doomed to a lifetime of New Year’s resolutions. I can’t help but view the New Year as a fresh start, even if it is just another day. Though they don’t typically last more than a couple months, I am all about the work-out plans and better eating habits.

This year I have a new focus: I want to treat the Earth better. I have always been environmentally and socially conscious, but I know I can do more. I think everyone can if they put their mind to it.

I have faith that most people would be willing to lend a hand in taking care of our planet if they knew how to. There are so many small steps we can take every day to creating a healthier Earth. Here are five easy ones...

1. Learn how to properly recycle

I’ll just say it: there is no excuse for not recycling in this day and age. It has become increasingly convenient and accessible over the last couple decades, yet for some reason we still aren’t doing so hot. According to the EPA, 75% of the American waste stream is recyclable. How much of it actually makes it to the recycling bin, though? 30%. COME ON, PEOPLE. Now, I’ll admit, I haven’t nailed recycling completely and I’ve been doing it for as long as I can remember. I’m not always sure what bin my food-contaminated products should get tossed in. The point is I’m working on it, though. Waste Management is a pretty good resource for figuring out how to properly sort your trash. Recycling reduces waste, saves energy and helps sustain the environment – so hop on the bandwagon now!

2. Avoid fast food

This tip fits in well if your other New Year’s resolutions include eating healthier or avoiding junk food. I am consumed with guilt every time I eat fast food – and not for the reasons you’d think. While everyone is aware of the adverse health effects too much McDonald’s can have on the human body, very few people consider the environmental impact fast food has. I mean, have you seen that packaging? Cups, lids, straws, napkins, wrappers, bags, boxes – it never ends. On top of that, there’s the intensive resources it takes to make the food: raising cattle for burgers, growing wheat for buns, etc. Then you have to transport and distribute all this prepared food in a timely manner. Let’s just say your carbon footprint is higher than you’d expect when consuming a Big Mac. Pack snacks when you're on the go or wait to eat until you're home!

3. Transition to vegan beauty products

I’m excited about this one because it is my number one resolution this year. My subconscious has been eating at me for years about using cruelty-free products and it’s just damn time to make the jump. I’m not just talking about makeup, either. This includes lotions, haircare, body wash, facial care – basically anything you’d put on your body. I use the word “transition” over “switch” intentionally, though. It doesn’t do any good to simply toss the products you have now and immediately replace them with vegan products. That creates unnecessary waste. It is important to use up any products you currently have, then switch over. Cruelty-Free Kitty has compiled some great lists of which brands to shop for at Sephora and Ulta. Not only are you preserving the well-being of our Earths inhabitants – animals! – when shopping these brands, you’re also buying packaging that has typically been made from recycled materials. Double win!

4. Alter your diet

This takes avoiding fast food a step further. I adopted a pescetarian (no meat besides seafood) diet around 15 months ago and I haven’t looked back. Do I miss chicken wings or hamburgers from time to time? Hell yeah. Is it worth it for my planet, though? Most definitely. The effect that meat and dairy production has on the environment is detrimental, with animal-based foods accounting for nearly 85% of America’s food-related greenhouse gases. Go leave your shower running for 7 hours. Do you know how much beef you’ve produced? One pound. One measly pound. (Please don’t actually leave your shower running.) The amount of water and land used to raise these animals is overwhelming and a simple altering of your diet can help significantly. Whether it’s giving up red meat (the best option), switching to almond milk, or incorporating more meat substitutes into your diet, it is essential to consume less animal-based foods. If our demise is cow burps, I will never forgive the human race.

5. Get informed

With all the crazy things circling around on the internet nowadays, it’s important to seek out accurate information. Lucky for us, we have ample resources right at our fingertips. Netflix and Hulu are chock-full of documentaries surrounding the environment, sustainability and eating habits. I recently watched Leonardo DiCaprio’s Before the Flood, which explores the effects of climate change. I thought it gave a great overview of the topic and it only took up an hour and a half of my day – plus I got to watch Leo travel the world. These documentaries will quickly open your eyes to the issues our Earth is facing and provide you with powerful facts to share with others. That’s just one easy way to get informed, though. There’s also websites, blogs, books, magazines – it doesn’t matter how you access information, just that you are actively seeking it! Not only will you be treating the Earth better as a result, but you’ll also know why you’re doing it.

These are all pretty general tips, but they create a great base for becoming a more environmentally-aware individual. Whether you are turning off the lights when leaving a room, shortening your showers, or shopping locally, it is important to keep the Earth at the forefront of your mind. By changing everyone’s mindset, we can begin to change the world.

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