5 Easy Ways to Stay Focused Throughout the Semester | The Odyssey Online
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5 Easy Ways to Stay Focused Throughout the Semester

Easy Things to Keep You on Track for a Successful Semester.

5 Easy Ways to Stay Focused Throughout the Semester

After taking a month off from school, over winter break, it can be hard to get back into the schedule that you once had. Waking up, going to class, doing homework, studying, going to the gym and finding time to eat and hang out with friends is all hard and time-consuming. Coming back to school can be overwhelming, but there are simple things that you can do to keep you on track and make your semester as successful as you want it to be!

1. Take Note of Important Dates on the Syllabus

Even though syllabus week is meant to get you back into the swing of things, you should still make note of when things are due and when you have quizzes and tests. Making yourself aware of important dates early in the semester will help you plan ahead for completing assignments.

2. Use an Agenda

Writing down assignments and due dates is imperative for having a successful semester. You have lots of classes that meet on different days with different due dates for homework and projects, it's a lot to keep track of. Buying a daily planner will save you from having to try and remember when everything is due for each of your classes.

3. Do Homework on Time

Most classes do not meet every day, which means that due dates can be given out for weeks in advance. This does not mean that you should wait until the day before to do the assignment because you will most likely forget that it was even given out. The easiest way to stay on track with assignments is to do them the night that they are assigned. This way, you can do it, turn it in and not have to worry about it again.

4. Do Not Procrastinate

Sometimes, procrastination gets the best of us and we put off writing a paper until a couple hours before it is due. This is something that has happened and probably will happen again, but do not make a habit of it. Not only will it show on the assignment that you turned in at midnight the day that it is due, but it will also start to affect your grade. Procrastination is something that can be conquered by not going out with your friends for a night and hitting the books. Your grades will thank you later.

5. Set Goals for Yourself Throughout the Semester

At the beginning of the semester, set some goals for yourself. Whether it be to make the Dean's List or even to just pass a class that you know you are going to struggle in. Make a list and keep it until after finals and see if you achieved the goals that you have set for yourself. These goals are something to keep you motivated throughout the semester, especially on the days when you want to quit everything. Even if you achieve only one of the goals you have set for yourself, that is a big accomplishment and something to be proud of.

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