Saving money is hard, at least for me. I am a hedonist at heart and well, the heart wants what the heart wants. When it comes to money, however, it’s better to rely on your brain.
Here are 5 easy tips on how to save money. (#2 is my favorite)
1. Pack a lunch.
Meal prep! If you can cook one or two dishes that you can switch and preferably rotate throughout the work week, this will save you from ordering that $15 order minimum on GrubHub.
2. Take those $15 dollars that you would have spent on lunch, and put it into your savings.
That’s $75 a week! If you already pack a lunch, you can apply this to your coffee budget. Brew your own and reward yourself. You were going to spend that money anyway, why not put that money into savings for that dream trip instead? This one makes me feel like I’m accomplishing something and it adds up quickly.
3. Use an app.
I like the app Albert. It takes a minuscule amount here and there and put's into your Albert savings account. If you’re not comfortable with that, open a second banking account and create an automatic transfer with your current bank. If you’re like me, having your savings staring back at you all the time is tempting. Too tempting. So having it in an account that you don’t use, creates an out of sight out mind mentality and before you know it, it’s been 6 months and you’re amazed at how much you saved!
4. Drink water.
What? Yeah, that’s right, get real friendly with H2O. Try it out for a week. Drink only water, you’ll be amazed at how much money you’ll save. Water, for now anyway, is free! So take advantage, hydrate and watch those stacks grow.
5. Start selling.
If your savings goals are more short term, selling your belongings can be a quick way to bump up your savings. When I was preparing to move to Argentina, I sold everything I had. I let it all go. They were just possessions. That said, this still works for those long term goals. Maybe you don’t sell everything, but why not go through your things and sell those items that no longer serve you. You’ll see a bump in your savings which can empower you to stick to your goals.
What are your favorite ways to save money? Let me know in the comments below!