As of now, it is widely accepted that the Earth is facing many dilemmas from climate change to global pollution as a result of human activity. It is a daunting notion but believe it or not, it can be helped! Every individual on this planet has an ability to help alleviate these problems for current and future generations. In fact, it can be seen as a responsibility of every human to so. The best part is that helping the Earth can be as easy as flipping a light switch. Here are some easy ways YOU can help save our planet:
1. Recycle!
Perhaps the easiest and most well known way to help save the Earth is by simply recycling! Separate your trash from plastics, cans, bottles, paper, and whatever else you see with the recycling symbol into a different bin or paper bag. As an added plus, you can even make money from doing this by taking your cans and bottles to a local recycling center!
2. Watch Your Water Use!
I’m sure that you’re tired of hearing this by now but with California’s current drought, it is imperative that you do so! Do not leave your faucets running or take longer than a 5- 10-minute shower. You’d be surprised how much water you save just by doing that. Also, when you have a leak or an unfinished water bottle, you can use that to help water your grass instead of using your sprinklers that waste gallons of water with every use. Haven’t you heard that brown is the new green?
3. Stay Away From Styrofoam And Plastic!
This sounds hard but it’s not! If you go to a restaurant, bring some Tupperware with you for your leftovers; Styrofoam and plastic to-go containers are bad for our planet because they do not decompose! Moreover, bring material bags whenever you go to the store. Not only will it save you a few cents at places you need to pay, you are also taking another plastic bag off of the street! The less, the better! Another great way to save money and help our planet is by using reusable water bottles instead of plastic ones! They are so easy to refill and take around. It'll be a great investment!
4. Turn Off Your Lights!
Whenever you are not using your lights, turn them off! You will be saving energy and money from your energy bill! Like I said earlier, it is as easy as flicking a light switch and even a child can do it. The pros definitely outweigh the cons on this one.
5. Cut Back On Red Meat!
I know that we love our steaks, but sometimes it might be wiser to order something else off the menu or buy something else from the grocery store. Cows are a big contributor to global warming based on their output of methane. Shocking, I know. Furthermore, the amount of resources it takes to produce one steak is draining our lands. If everyone cut back on the amount of red meat they eat it will help the issue of greenhouse gases significantly. It is also good for our health because red meat can lead to heart issues among other health problems.
All of those are extremely easy ways that all of us can save our planet. If you feel strongly about this, there are also ways you can get politically involved! For example, you can campaign against fossil fuels, which are really damaging to our planet. There are websites such as and where you can learn more about this and the problems the Earth is facing! Additionally, you can also switch to clean energy resources such as buying solar panels for your house to cut back on unclean energy and the money that goes towards your energy bill. Every little thing helps and everybody needs to do their part to save our beloved planet.