We can probably all relate to getting sick within weeks of coming back to school. Being around a good number of people all of the time, germs travel fast. Both of my semesters that I have been in college have consisted of me being sick for at least two weeks. I tend to have almost anything needed for colds in my room, and here's what I do when I get a cold.
1. Drink Tea.
I love tea as it is, so this is very easy for me. Now if you're not a fan, it may be harder. I use Traditional Medicinals Breathe Easy, which is supposed to promote respiratory health. I actually used this last week, and my cold went away faster than usual. You could also try just using green tea because it is jam-packed with antioxidants to help you fight off the nasty cold.
2. Take medicine.
This is probably a very obvious one, but medicine does make you feel better, so why not take it? Even if it's just DayQuil, it can help make you feel better within an hour. Also, going to your doctor to see if they can give you antibiotics is a good alternative as well, but that's only if it isn't the common cold or viral.
3. Sleep.
Ah yes, probably one of the best tips I can give. Sleep is definitely your friend in this situation, since it helps give your immune system a boost to fight off anything that's not supposed to be in your body.
4. Drink.
No, not alcohol. Drink fruit juices (especially ones with vitamin C) and water to keep your body hydrated. Drinking warm liquids will also help loosen congestion.
5. Use a humidifier.
This has done wonders for me when nothing else works. I bought a little one from Wal-Mart, and it's one of my most used products. Adding moisture into the air helps loosen congestion, which helps make you breathe easier. I personally recommend buying one that you can add Vicks VapoRub to, which really makes it easier to breathe.